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Friday, September 18, 2009

How To Treat Constipation At Home

By Troy Adams

There is no reason to use a laxative or other product to cure constipation, because everything you need is probably already in your house or can be purchased at any local grocers. While you might immediately think of those ingredients commonly used in natural home constipation treatments like rhubarb, buckthorn, flaxseed, aloe, and senna, the simplest and most effective natural home treatment for constipation is changing your diet and drinking more water. First, you'll want to increase the amount of insoluble fiber you consume, because fiber naturally scrapes the walls of the intestines and helps clean them out. Next, drink lots and lots of water. Staying well hydrated makes stools moist. Both clean intestines and moist stools mean they are easier to pass and you are less likely to become constipated.

You can increase your insoluble fiber intake by eating raw fruits and vegetables-like broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, and celery-and whole grain breads, brown rice, and wheat bran. This fiber passes through the intestinal system pretty much unchanged and cleans out the intestines. While you could cook vegetables and fruits if you wanted, eating them raw is better for maximum nutrients and fiber and to help avoid future constipation.

To avoid constipation and stay hydrated, the human body requires 8 to 10 glasses of water each day. Increasing your water consumption to the recommended amount is the least expensive and easiest way to treat constipation naturally. Drinking soft drinks, alcoholic beverages, coffee, and tea are not the same as drinking water. Those high in sodium actually dry out and dehydrate the body, as does alcohol. Too much tea or coffee upsets the intestines and, for some, can even result in diarrhea.

Another thing to keep in mind is that you go to the bathroom as soon as you feel the urge. Some people hold off on going and this can cause stools to become dry and harder to pass. This is the most common cause of hemorrhoids. For the most part, diet and de-hydration are found to be the most common causes and so natural treatments for constipation would be to first make changes in those areas.

For people who accumulate a large amount of mucus in their intestines, a colon cleanse may help clean out the intestines to enable stools to pass easier. You can do a colon cleanse easily at home, but don't leave the house if you do. You'll want to be near the bathroom because it gets fast results.

Drink a glass of warm water with one teaspoon of sea salt dissolved in it twice each day. Then add in a lemon-maple syrup colon cleanse detox. To make this colon cleanse, stir 1/10 teaspoon of cayenne pepper, 2 Tablespoons of organic maple syrup, and 2 Tablespoons of natural lemon juice into a glass of water. Drink this 6 to 10 times daily.

While often used as a 7-10 day weight loss regime, this is one of the best natural ways to treat constipation at home, too. Many people utilize the lemon-maple syrup colon cleanse detox mixture once every three months or so to keep their digestive system clean. Between colon cleanses, they eat a diet rich in insoluble fiber and drink lots of water to stay regular and avoid constipation problems. - 17268

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