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Thursday, September 17, 2009

Muscle Building Tips, Chest Bodybuilding Workout Routines

By Ricardo d Argence

When building muscles for your chest you need to be aware of the common pitfalls and misconceptions out there. To achieve the famed chiseled look in the pectorals, or in any part of the body, it takes disciplined work. Some body builders think the most efficient way to achieve this goal is through bench presses. One exercise alone can not obtain real definition in the pectoral muscles.

If you do these easy weight workouts, you can create an attractive and well-built chest.

High and Low Cable crossover are perfect to begin. High Cable crossover will work the difficult to reach inner Pecs. Low Cable crossovers, is another inner pec exercise, the key is the correct amount of tension.

Bench press-Wide grip, your wide spaced handling will work the lower pectoral. Bench press-Close grip, this will work the inner Pecs quite well, however the movement will also work triceps and upper chest.

Dumbbell Flyers works the inner pectoral muscles but you really have to squeeze them together. Alternate this on incline, decline, and flat bench. Dips, depending on elbow position, you can work either the inner or the outer Pecs.

These exercises will benefit the chest muscles, and decrease your chances of hitting a plateau, by mixing things up a bit. It is also important for you to understand and appreciate that rest and nutrition are equally important.

Nutrition is just as important as weight lifting when you're trying to build muscle. When you lift weights, you are actually tearing muscle tissue. You need to eat carbohydrates and proteins for your body to repair and enlarge your muscles. It is also a good idea to increase your vitamin and mineral intake.

Hydration is also important for any workout routine. The body requires water to provide nutrition to the cells, eliminate waste, and regulate internal body temperature. In addition to all these, water also cushions the joints and protects major internal organs. Increase your water intake above the recommended daily amount as strenuous exercise quickly depletes fluid levels.

Just as importantly, you need to get enough rest for your bodybuilding regimen to be effective. As sleep is detrimental to muscle building, a catabolic happening can occur while sleeping, whereby some product marketers have pushed the idea. Do not fall for false claims by marketers wanting you to purchase their products, for example some will say this is where your muscle will waste away. This is completely false and could potentially cause serious mental and physical problems.

Sleep is necessary to regenerate your body and for your body to heal itself, it is important that you get enough sleep in order for your muscles to properly heal or all your hard work will go to waste. Along with the fact that you will experience fatigue and not able to endure workouts for the future.

Combine all of these elements and you will quickly build your muscles and have the strong, toned chest you desire. To increase the benefit from your body building work, remember to eat well, set aside enough time for quality sleep and diversify your workout routine. - 17268

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