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Sunday, September 20, 2009

Negative Calorie Foods: Found in Many Diets

By Stan Towers

If you've done much research on diets at all, then you've probably already run across the concept of negative calorie foods. The negative calorie food diet is one that has come under a lot of scrutiny, but despite this it's an idea that has created a lot of imitators based around the same basic principles. For a much criticized diet, it sure has a lot of imitators!

Many diets are based at least in part (if not entirely) around foods that appear on the negative calorie foods list. This includes the grapefruit diet, pineapple diet, and cabbage soup diet, just to name a few. Obviously vegetarian diets will have a lot in common with negative calorie foods, as well, since all the foods on this list are either fruits or vegetables.

While the pineapple diet has several different forms (and often includes lean meats like tuna), every version of this diet revolves around eating tons of pineapple. Pineapple is one of many fruits found on the negative calorie foods list, and it is often mentioned as an extremely healthy fruit that contains enzymes which are hard for the body to break down, thus encouraging weight loss.

The cabbage soup diet is perhaps the most popular example of a diet that has many of the same foods, roots, and tenants as the negative calorie foods diet. While this eating plan varies in a great many ways, and also takes into account calorie cycling and nutrient cycling, the base cabbage soup that's eaten every day is composed almost completely of vegetables found on the negative calorie list. There are also days on this diet that only allow fruits, vegetables, or both, in addition to the soup - making this a close working model of how negative calories can be built into a diet.

And the grapefruit diet is yet another example of an eating plan that could have been designed simply by picking out a person's favorite negative calorie food and just running with it. Grapefruit has enormous popularity as a diet food because it is high in water, fiber, and vitamins and low in calories. In addition to all this, grapefruit is notoriously hard for the body to break down and process, forcing your body to work and burn more calories to process it.

Many different vegetables are listed as "negative calorie foods," meaning that vegetarian diets are going to have many of these foods. The biggest difference will be that vegetarians can eat high calorie vegetables and things like grain and rice " which are not on the list.

This article only lists a few of the dietary plans that copy a lot from the idea of negative calories. Pretty impressive for something that some people insist on calling a fad, but the proof is in the pudding as the old saying goes - and the diets listed in this article aren't the only ones who get their root idea from the same place.

All arguments aside, you're not likely to ever find someone who says eating more fruit and vegetables is a bad nutritional choice. Negative calorie foods are all about the fruits and veggies, so no matter what type of arguments remain this diet is likely to stay around. - 17268

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