Crack The Fat Loss Code Ebook

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Restricted Diets

By Charlie Monaghan Carter

If you are among the ever increasing number of people who must restrict their diet due to food intolerances, you will know that staying within the guidelines can be tough.

Even though all of our packaged food is labelled with detailed contents, it is still very difficult to avoid particular food stuffs. Common intolerances such as Gluten and Dairy are relatively straight forward to avoid most of the time, and only really becomes an issue when eating out. The problem that many people face is that many chefs dont understand the implications of a specific ingredient on a person suffering from an intolerance.

It is quite common for a chef to add a little flour to a sauce to thicken it up, believing that the intolerant person will not notice or be affected by such a small amount. And if the sufferer doesnt explode there and then (and usually they dont) then the chef believes that he got away with it and that the person indeed is not suffering from that little amount. What they dont realise however is that the intolerance usually comes into effect as the food is being digested an hour or two later and the effects can then last for days.

Eating out is therefore very difficult for people with intolerances to common foods and as it is very difficult to find good food that doesnt contain the common foodstuffs that people are intolerant to, you will soon find that eating out becomes a bigger and bigger risk and so dont be surprised of the amount of invites you get to come out to dinner drop significantly.

For the sake of your health, it is of the utmost importance that you avoid all foods that you have an intolerance to. It is very hard work for your body to process these foods and so to allow it to recover, you should stick to foods that you know your body can handle. Having said that, if you start eating just a few foods that you know arent going to upset you, you may find that you begin developing intolerances to them as well.

This can and does happen so its important to keep track of what you eat and try to eat as many different foods as possible. Most of the time that thought doesnt appeal to people with intolerances because the wider range of foods they eat, the more likely they are to eat something that upsets them, however if you choose a few foods that you are ok with, and stick to them, you could end up intolerant to them as well, so maintaining a wide diet is important. - 17268

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