Crack The Fat Loss Code Ebook

Thursday, October 29, 2009

7 Fat Loss Tips You Can't Do Without

By Thong M. Dao

If you're hoping to lose fat, there's a pretty good chance you've tried a lot of methods. Unfortunately, the vast majority of people who are unhappy with their bodies don't succeed in their fat loss goals. That's because they're often using gimmicky weight loss plans that can actually damage their bodies! If you're in this boat, and you don't know how to get rid of the fat while staying healthy, here are a few tips that might get you on the right track.

1. Figure out how you got here. You may need to learn to eat better, or you may need to overcome problems that are encouraging you to eat. Whether it's a lifestyle change or an emotional problem, you may need to do something about it to encourage fat loss. There may even be a hormonal problem that's responsible for your weight - to find out, you'll need to talk to a competent doctor who doesn't have prejudices against you. Once you know what circumstances have caused your gain, you can deal with the problem more easily.

2. Learn to be in control. You need to be the one to decide what you will eat. Don't eat food just because it is there. Learn to choose wisely when you eat out, and learn to resist pressure by family and friends to eat "just one" food item. Come up with a long-term plan that will help you be healthy physically and mentally, and don't fall for fad diets that come and go and don't work long term.

3. Eat every 2-3 hours. The recommendation used to be to eat 3 big meals. However, today we know that eating frequently is better for your metabolism. Beware of snack foods that are high in fat and calories. Instead, choose to eat healthy snacks and stay away for high-fat processed treats or sugary sweets.

4. Chew your food well. If you eat slowly and enjoy the taste of your food, you will get more pleasure out of eating. You will also end up eating less because it takes your body some to to register that it is full. If you eat too fast - you will end up eating more before you realize that you are full.

5. Take baby steps. Do not starve yourself and do not start a fast loss diet that will expect you to make drastic changes. If you want to succeed in your diet it needs to be easy to follow. Take small steps, and get used to them one at a time until you reach your goal.

6. Eat a balanced diet and don't eat processed food. Eating processed food is really bad for you because it is high in fat and sugar. It will cause you to gain weight and put you at risk for diabetes and other physical problems. Foods like lean protein, whole grains, and fruits and vegetables are much better for you and will help you stay healthy in the long run.

7. Make sure you drink throughout the day. Sometimes when you think you are hungry, you are actually thirsty. Hydrating yourself properly will make you feel full, and will help your body cleanse itself. Water is the best beverage, so make sure to drink as much water as you need. - 17268

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