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Friday, October 30, 2009

The Ugly Truth about Colon Cleansers

By Dorthy Weatherbush

We've all heard the old adage as it relates to weight loss. Eat less and exercise more is a simple solution to an all too common problem today. Everyone appears to be looking for the shortcut. The question is not, "how can I maintain a healthy lifestyle", rather it is how can I do what I want to do and then find a colon cleansing product to purify me from the poison I put into my body. Colon cleansers can be a great tool however they should not be thought of as a quick fix to help you loose those last few pounds.

Some researchers estimate that most of us have anywhere from 3 to 15 pounds of undigested fecal matter in our colons. This toxic matter can slow down your metabolism; make you more susceptible for allergies; give you constipation, gas, indigestion, and acid reflux; and make it difficult for your body to absorb nutrients. If you are dealing with some of these symptoms then it could be time for you to detoxify your body. The best natural cleansing is to use all natural herbal products that are designed and formulated to cleanse the colon, detoxify the liver, and restore normal bowel function. Most people feel a renewal of energy after detoxification. Cleansing gone wrong would result in feeling washed-out and weakened.

It's when people decide to use colon cleansers as a weight loss tool that things become "ugly." First of all, if you have a lot of weight to lose, then colon cleansing is not your answer. An initial cleanse will only result in about 4-8 pounds lost. After that, you will simply be eliminating everything you eat, nutrients and all. This is not healthy. Using an herbal remedy for colon cleansing, you could jump-start your weight loss journey with a clean colon. Maintaining a healthy diet after cleaning out your colon would be a safer choice.

It is important to note that colon cleansing is not a quick fix solution; rather it is a subtle shift in how you feel about yourself and who you are. After your cleanse, you should focus on consuming foods high in fiber. If you were expecting an over night miracle, then this may be a little disappointing. Colon Cleansers are not a quick turn solution to help you lose weight.

Some other benefits to colon cleansers (besides a few pounds lost) are that they will help your digestive system function more efficiently, you will become energized, and your skin (complexion) will improve. The health of your liver, colon, and blood may also improve. When there are harmful toxins in your body, often your blood and liver are affected the most by these.

Almost anything in life can be harmful if taken to extremes. It is important to exercise moderation in every area of our lives. We've all heard the saying "If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is." If you are looking to take a pill and instantly lose pounds every week, then you are turning to colon cleansers for the wrong reason. They should be used to become a healthier, more energetic person, not a skinnier one. - 17268

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