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Sunday, October 11, 2009

Be Acne Free

By Sara Preston

Adolescence is the usual age group attacked with a skin condition called acne. Generally, acne is often synonymous to pimples but skin acne is actually a condition that also includes blackheads and whiteheads. Pimples which have pus inside are also different from the cyst like formation on the skin.

It is all too common to be embarrassed when you have acne. But having an acne skin care regimen can prevent and even cure your skin problems. How do you get or develop acne? If you have acne, you may have also noticed that some family members or relatives also have them. Having acne is said to be genetic. Some studies also show that the more stressed people are the more likely they are to develop skin acne.

In order to impede the severity of acne on your skin, you can employ some acne skin care regimen that can be effective and inexpensive. There are acne or general skin cleansers available in the market to remove excess oil, make-up and dirt from your skin. You can also try some mild soap and facial cleansers for immediate cleansing of the skin from sweat. Make sure that the cleansers do not have adverse effects on your skin. You can also use some sunscreen when outdoors in order not to further aggravate the skin condition.

When you already have acne, you can continue using the mild cleansers and moisturizing agents on your skin. You can also use concealers and foundations to cover the blemishes and pimples. Remember that before putting anything on your face, you must check the ingredients or contents of the cleanser or foundation because you might develop skin allergies with certain chemicals. For any acne skin care products, there are always limitations. Different skins react differently to one cream or medication.

For mild acne problems, there are topical treatments available over the counter. You can apply creams and lotions to sooth the itchiness and lessen the swelling and redness. Most acne treatments include benzoyl peroxide, salicylic acid and sulfur. There are also oral antibiotics through prescription that you can ingest to prevent major skin outbreaks. With the continued use of these treatments, patients can see immediate results in a few months.

For extreme cases, prescription medicines are required for patients. It usually takes about four to six months before you see any positive results. These treatments are needed not only to control oil production but also to prevent blockage of pores, regulate skin bacteria and reduce skin inflammation.

Once you notice the formation of acne, immediately devise an acne skin care plan to combat the effects on your skin because if you do not deal with it properly, from a mild case it can head for the worst.

Make sure that you have an acne skin care regimen so you no longer have to hide. - 17268

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