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Saturday, October 10, 2009

Getting the Most Out of Your Day with Natural Energy Boosters

By Travis Van Slooten

It seems as if everyone nowadays thinks they need a sugary energy drink to get them through the day, but there are many better solutions with natural energy boosters. Most people don't get as much sleep as they should, don't eat properly and are stressed out quite a bit. These things all lead to fatigue. Your body is just telling you that it needs some help to keep going. Fortunately, there are plenty of things you can do to help avoid the mid-morning slump that don't involve caffeine.

It's important for you to understand first and foremost the role that different substances can play as an energy booster. Sugar may give you that quick surge of energy you need but it doesn't stay that way for long and you may even suddenly feel more lethargic than before. Some energy products contain an unfamiliar substance called guarana, but that's really just caffeine in another form. Others have niacin which can also pep you up, although what this chemical does is open up your capillaries and give you an energy rush which stays longer than one from sugar and doesn't cause you to crash. Still, it's best to go with natural energy boosters.

The first and most simple thing you can do to wake yourself up is to move. Just some light stretching or even a walk to the bathroom and back will be enough to increase your heart rate and respiration. The increased flow of oxygen throughout your body will give you a quick, and completely natural, energy boost.

However, many people need the extra energy because their diet is lacking something. If you're one of those people, you might want to consider a supplement such as acai berry. It contains protein, which is a slow burning fuel that keeps the body going for a long time, along with omega fatty acids. These are compounds that the body cannot produce on its own and they must be taken in through the diet. You will also get vitamins and nutrients along with a good amount of antioxidants. If your diet doesn't always contain the healthiest foods, consider a supplement like acai to give you the extra pep in your step.

In addition to these steps, you should also make sure that you are getting the right amount of sleep. If your body doesn't have time to recharge, you'll be running on low all day long. You should also make sure that you drink plenty of water. Most people spend their day dehydrated and don't even know it. And dehydration leads to fatigue. Follow these basic guidelines and you might notice that you don't get heavy eyelids in the afternoon. And it's all thanks to completely healthy, all natural energy boosters. - 17268

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