Crack The Fat Loss Code Ebook

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Changes are Natural with HCG

By Amelia Handley

Many have to ask themselves why they aren't enjoying life? Many find themselves admitting that they are only enduring what many find exhilarating and refreshing and wonderful. Many don't wake up excited for the new day. Instead they find themselves stressed and worried that they are not healthy and they are not happy. Why? Because they're overweight.

A large number of Americans are falling into the "obese" category. Obese is defined by the BMI of an individual. While any individual with a BMI between 25 and 29.9 is classified as overweight, an individual with a BMI of 30 or higher falls into the obese category. The categorization is used for medical purposes to ensure proper treatment and to advise on potential health consequences.

The negative health consequences related to weight problems are numerous. To avoid the problem medical professionals diagnose and prescribe weight loss treatments ranging all the way from exercise regimes to surgery. But while many people are in need of a successful weight loss program in order to better their chances of a long, happy life...there just aren't many successful weight loss programs available that provide efficient weight loss with successful rates of maintenance after completion of the program.

Why is it so hard for people to lose weight and keep it off? Because most of us do not have a healthy lifestyle. Most of us eat a horrible diet of high fat and high calorie food (in the old days it would have been called "junk food"). Many of us do not have an active lifestyle. Those of us who do have an active lifestyle will still intake all the high calorie/high fat foods that are negating the possible benefits of the activity. What will really solve the weight issue is a program that helps dieters drop the weight, but also teaches them how to keep the weight off by changing their habits.

One such solution is homeopathic HCG. While on homeopathic HCG individuals are limited to a very strict diet and they are required to take the HCG drops orally 3 times per day. The diet is limited to a very small list of foods including lean meats, fruits, vegetables and very specific starches. The presence of the HCG in the body allows the individual to function normally on the very low calorie diet.

Another natural physiological effect of the HCG on the body is that it re-develop's the body's treatment of fat. HCG dieters will not only benefit from empty fat cells, but once the fat cells are empty, the HCG dieter's body is able to absorb the empty fat cells so they aren't just sitting and waiting around for the re-introduction of a little bit of fat in order to fill right back up once the dieter is off the "diet."

While on the HCG individuals also learn to appreciate good foods. They learn how to prepare lean meats and they become accustomed to the tastes of foods simply prepared without oils or butter. They develop a taste and often a preference for raw fruits and vegetables. They detach from the excessive starch eating that is prevalent in American society. The altered lifestyle along with the altered functions in the way the body treats fat means that the individuals are able to successfully maintain a healthy weight even after they've completed the program. - 17268

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