Crack The Fat Loss Code Ebook

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Lose Weight Quickly, 3 Steps to Burn Fat Fast

By Ryan M Hall

In our instant gratification culture, it's so easy to fall to the false promises of ab gadgets, pudge pills and magic potion drinks on TV that promise to help us lose weight quickly. We all want it now, and while sometimes we actually can lose weight quickly with these methods, more often than not, these false promises fall short of helping us lose any amount of weight at all. So what can we do?

If you want to lose weight quickly, there are 3 easy steps you absolutely must follow. You need to have a good diet plan, build muscle with resistance training and get plenty of rest. If you're waiting for the part where I say you need to run for hours on a treadmill, that's not going to happen. You don't need hours of cardio to lose weight fast, it may help, but it's not necessary. If you follow these 3 steps, you will lose weight fast, but how fast? 2 lbs a week, 5 lbs a week, 10 lbs a week? This is really up to you and how much you have to lose. The more you have to lose, the quicker it can come off.

Dieting is the first thing you try when it's time to shed a few lbs. The problem is that most diets just don't work. You cut carbs, or you eat more grapefruits, but you lose a few lbs only to gain it back. What you need is a diet plan that allows you to eat plenty of protein and carbohydrates and still lose weight quickly. You should also be sure to eat plenty of veggies. Sounds great right? I doubt it, but vegetables are high in fiber and keep you full without being high in calories, so they are the perfect weight loss food, especially green vegetables, I know the kid in you is screaming right now!

You don't have to become the Incredible Hulk, but lifting weights will burn fat much more efficiently than running for hours will. This is because when you lift weights, you burn calories during the workout and for hours, sometimes up to 72 hours, after the workout, whereas with cardio, you usually only burn calories during the workout and just afterward. Building muscle burns the calories for days vs. hours, this alone should be enough to make you consider a resistance training regimen.

Rest?! That doesn't make sense, I'm not going to workout in my sleep am I? Nope, you don't even have to go to sleep to rest the way I'm talking about. You see, the problem many people have when they decide to lose weight is they try too hard in the beginning and burn out very quickly, leaving them fat and feeling like a failure. Don't do this to yourself. Give yourself a day or two between workouts so that your body can rest and rebuild, then go back and exercise again. This rest is just time between workouts, but if you want to take a nap, be my guest.

It's not that complicated to lose weight quickly, but it does take commitment and the ability to follow these 3 steps. Follow a good diet plan, build muscle and give your body plenty of time to rest. This will put you light years ahead of the rest of the world that is just cutting calories and occasionally running on a treadmill. Follow these steps and you will succeed. - 17268

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