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Friday, October 2, 2009

Caloric Restriction vs Resveratrol - It is Your Choice

By Alex Ariel Sanders

Whenever we hear that we have to eat less in order to lose weight we start envisioning ourselves as being deprived and starving. Losing weight is one of the benefits of caloric restriction (CR). The truth is that restriction of our caloric intake may lead to anti-aging health benefits as well! Experimental studies have even shown that it is possible live longer by eating less calories. Let us take a look at how to slow aging with caloric restriction.

Fewer calories do not necessarily mean less nutrition. This idea is about making the body eat right. The best way to start this is not by lessening how much is being consumed by the body but by modifying the kind of the foods taken in. Actually, the highest nutrient values can be found in fruits, vegetables, grains, salmon, tuna, trout and beans. They have lesser calories and high nutrient density.

Based on modern studies on primates, worms, mice and flies, a longer and healthier life is possible through a combination of a lower calorie intake and a nutrient dense diet. Along with the quantity comes the quality of life as diseases that indicate aging, such as heart problems, high blood pressure, dementia and the likes, are avoided.

Measurements taken of the regions of the brain that control cognitive ability and memory show that there is far less atrophy of brain tissue in the animals on a restricted calorie diet. The control group were fed healthy foods but allowed to eat as much as they wanted. This group showed all the expected signs of aging including brain atrophy and diseases of aging. Mice and rats which were on a 30% caloric restriction slowed aging by 30%-40%.

In general, the average human male consumes over 2600 calories per day. This is just an average number. There are no magic numbers for determining the precise number of calories that we should consume if we desire to slow aging with caloric restriction. People come in a variety of sizes, and have different metabolisms, meaning that some need more calories just to survive than would be enough to bring on obesity in others.

To get a good look at how caloric restriction affects aging, take note of your average daily calorie intake. Create a database for one month to determine your solid average caloric intake. On the following month, reduce your daily amount of calories taken by 5%. It is important not to make the body feel hungry in the process. The secret lies on the kind of food being consumed. Choose lower calorie foods that are high in nutrients instead of the high calorie foods that are presently in your daily diet.

Visit your doctor and ask him to work with you on this one. Initially, a baseline should be set for your cholesterol, fasting blood sugar and blood pressure levels. On the following month, the caloric intake should be reduced at another 5 percent. At the end of the month, the measurements should again be noted down. This is done month after month. When you see any clear improvements on the statistics, you can be assured that you are effectively slowing the aging process your body is going through. The reduction process should continue until the changes stop. This indicates that you have reached the calorie intake level you need in order to end up with a longer and healthier life.

It has been scientifically found that Resveratrol, which is a compound found in grape skins and red wine, can mimic the anti-aging health benefits of caloric restriction. Studies at the University of Florida revealed that "the effects of low doses of Resveratrol were comparable to caloric restriction, the hallmark of life extension". It is never too late to get a head start on providing your body with the conditions it needs to live a longer and happier life. However, if restricting your daily calories by 15%-30% seems too hard, then when why not consider Resveratrol? Should you get healthier and slow aging with caloric restriction or Resveratrol? It is your choice. - 17268

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