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Thursday, October 1, 2009

Unearth The Healthy Benefits Of The Acai Berry

By Mary V Smith

The tiny, little acai berry can give you an abundance of health benefits. It is jam-packed with antioxidants, essential fatty acids and amino acids. It is also delicious with a taste described as a cross between a grape, a blueberry and a raspberry or maybe even berries covered in dark chocolate.

The acai (pronounced ah-sigh-ee) berry is one of the healthiest nutritional discoveries of this century. It has one of the highest antioxidant capacities of any food, a synergistic combination of healthy fats and an almost perfect essential amino acid complex. Even so, it is rather rare as it can only be grown in the Amazon rainforest.

An antioxidant is a molecule capable of slowing or preventing the oxidation of other molecules. While oxidation is crucial to life, it can also damage our cells, which can lead to premature aging, many diseases and even being overweight. This is why nature has provided us so many nutritious foods that are jam-packed with antioxidants. The acai berry has one of the highest antioxidant levels of any food on the planet.

The Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity (ORAC) is a method of measuring the antioxidant capacities of different foods. The acai berry has the highest ORAC of any berry, at 10 times higher than grapes, twice as much as blueberries and even 10 to 30 times more than red wine.

It is unlikely for a fruit but the acai berry also contains essential fatty acids. The acai berry is high in monounsaturated oleic acid, which is like that in olive oil. Oleic acid helps make the cell membranes more supple, thereby helping all of the hormones, neurotransmitters and insulin receptors throughout our bodies work more efficiently. Poor insulin receptivity has been linked to many diseases, most notably of course, diabetes, but also cardiovascular diseases and metabolic syndrome and the related afflictions caused from that.

All of the research being done on acai berries point to the fact that this tiny little berry is a nutritional powerhouse. It has been dubbed a superfood. The term superfood is used to describe a food with a high phytonutrient content that is believed to confer health benefits as a result.

The acai berry is proving to be beneficial in weight loss, the prevention of age-related decline, and the protection against diseases.

The acai berry is only available throughout the world in its processed forms because it is exceptionally perishable. You cannot enjoy the acai berry in its fresh form unless you are in the Brazilian rainforest but you can enjoy the processed forms including juices, supplements and extracts. - 17268

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