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Thursday, October 8, 2009

Colon Cleaning is Critical for Good Health

By Donnie Boots

Why do you want to clean your colon? It might be better to ask "Why do you want to drag around with you all those extra pounds of toxins and excess wastes? You can get rejuvenated. You can get rid of environmental toxins that have built up inside your body. Many people lose weight when they cleanse their colon because it has years of waste impacted on the walls of their intestines. Yuk.

When people ate more fiber and drank more water, normal colon cleansing and natural elimination of human waste was not usually a problem. Today, however, even the environment around us has contaminants that we inhale and we are never as active as we need to be, unless we are living and working on a farm or ranch or running to keep up with toddlers.

The equally long history of different kinds of colon cleansing may have been called by different names. Methods and products are often similar through the years. Everyone has a grandparent that swore by prune juice. My sister now swears by Cascara segrada, an effective nutritional supplement used for detoxification. In Chinese medicine there are many appropriate herbs for teas that will help you establish a regular pattern of colon cleansing.

So in today's hectic world, everyone wants something fast. Fast and effective. Maybe you never had a colon cleanse and you are really worried about how to go about it. Should you go to a clinic? Should you ask your doctor? Should you do it alone at home? How dangerous is that? What should you look for in colon cleansing products? How do you know when one is good or not? First it takes a bit of common sense and then it takes a bit of knowledge about how your body functions.

Your colon cleansing products should be effective, safe, affordable and have a refund guarantee with it. It helps to be recommended by trusted colleagues. But I know you still have questions about how to detoxify your colon. I follow the same pattern that nature does. You put food into your mouth and it gets digested and whatever does not digest is is eliminated waste. So your colon cleansing product should assist with flushing out your digestive system and include some water soluble fibers to scrub the walls of your intestines.

The purpose of colon cleansing products is to remove toxins from your body. You want to get rid of unwanted chemicals and excess waste, not add more chemicals to the mixture within. That seems counterproductive. Nonetheless, you need to understand the ingredients in the colon cleansing products. If the label does not give you adequate ingredients and instruction, leave it on the shelf. If there are more unidentifiable or unfamiliar chemicals than there are natural contents, avoid it too. If I cannot pronounce or do not recognize the ingredients I simply put the product back on the shelf.

Some people prefer the old style enema because that is what they are familiar with. Well, that is sometimes risky. It is not as highly recommended today as it once was. Some people think using a bidet is an adequate cleanse. They are wrong. A bidet will only rinse the external areas. Remember, the purpose of colon cleansing is to clean your colon of impacted excess wastes that are reducing your body's essential functions. The colon is designed to absorb water and nutrients from the food you eat. It is the last stop before waste is eliminated.

If you have an inadequate diet or insufficient exercise or have a lot of stress or are exposed to environmental contaminants in your every day life, then don't even ask. Your colon needs cleansing. That is highly recommended in order to restore healthy function to your liver and kidneys and other organs. A clean colon contributes to a healthier and rejuvenated you. Then you need to pay attention to lifestyle changes to keep yourself at optimal health. - 17268

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