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Sunday, October 25, 2009

Constipation Remedies: Why Natural Remedies May Be All You Need

By Kelly Coolman

Feeling constipated is a dreadful feeling. It's impossible to feel good about yourself with a bloated stomach, terrible wind, stabbing pains in the abdomen and an inability to go to the toilet properly.

However, there may not be any need to turn to over-the-counter constipation remedies. For most people, the natural way can be the only way.

Simply take note of my 5 handy tips and incorporate them into your daily routine.

You'll finally be able to go to the toilet, get into a normal routine, and feel socially more confident. Sounds good!

1. Watch what you eat

Wholewheat foods are much better for the digestive system than highly refined white products so try to avoid white and stick to brown.

Not only do refined foods have little bulk which helps fill you up and speed digestion, they also have much of the goodness removed so are generally less healthy.

Try to eat varied diet of unrefined, unpackaged or tinned ingredients. Cooked, or even better, raw fruit and veg are great for regulating your digestion.

Eating this way will prevent your system becoming blocked because your body can't move your food along as it should.

Whole foods also contain naturally occurring vitamins and nutrients. These nutrients help the liver and kidneys get rid of toxins from your body, which in turn helps them process and digest your food properly.

Out of all constipation remedies, eating the right food is the most effective action you can take.

2. Keep yourself hydrated

Few people drink the recommended 2 liters of water per day but this really helps to maintain a healthy system as well as being beneficial in other ways, such as aiding concentration and preventing tiredness.

It doesn't get much easier and cheaper than this!

3. Take your time

Food should be enjoyed and savored. Bolting meals down doesn't allow the body to produce the necessary enzymes that begin the process of digestion.

Chew your food properly too. You'll feel fuller much quicker, which not only helps get rid of constipation, but also can help with weight loss too. Result!

4. Exercise.

Regular exercise is an often over-looked and highly effective weapon against the symptoms of constipation. It doesn't have to be strenuous - even just a few simple walks can help kick-start your digestive system into action.

A healthy, active body is stronger and better equipped to deal with the job of digestion and elimination. This in turn will make you feel more positive.

Think about how could you incorporate more exercise into your day - even a brisk walk will work wonders.

Give it a try. I'll bet you'll be waving goodbye to consipation even faster than you thought possible.

5. Eat at the right times.

Don't eat too soon before going to bed. When you sleep your body shuts down and toxins build up and enter your blood stream.

Also, while asleep your body can't extract the nutrients from the food you've eaten, nor pass it along your digestive system effectively.

To make matters worse, you can't drink water whilst sleeping, which is essential for helping your food pass through effectively.

Try not to eat too much a couple of hours before going to bed. You'll see the benefits in reduced constipation symptoms immediately.

Make these 5 simple changes to your lifestyle and wave goodbye to your constipation symptoms forever, without the need to buy over-the-counter constipation remedies. - 17268

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