Crack The Fat Loss Code Ebook

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Georgetown Personal Trainer Reveals The Truth About Crunches

By Josef Brandenburg

We often come across several possible methods for attaining those perfect flat abs and crunches is one among them. But a personal trainer from Georgetown totally disagrees with this saying that it is just a misconception. Crunches or for that matter any other workout on your abs may not help you in achieving those abs you have been wishing for.

You must have come across many ads or might have read several magazines, websites and books suggesting you to do crunches. All this while, we have believed this information because they are all telling us the same thing over and over. But are you going to believe something just because everyone says it? What if everyone started saying that the world was flat again, would you believe that too?

First you have to understand that ab crunches will not help you get that picture perfect abdomen. Everyone is born with abdominal muscles that you can't see because they are covered by a layer of fat. All you need is to follow a good fat loss program rather than do an endless amount of crunches.

You would be able to cut almost half the amount of unwanted fat in your body in just 4 hours a week. A Georgetown personal trainer can make this happen. Why would you want to waste twenty hours of your valuable time doing workouts with no end result when you could definitely see results by following the right program for few hours a week?

Another fact which most people are not aware of is that these crunches have a negative impact on your posture. Just picture the position you are in while doing crunches. Your head is bent forward while your shoulders and rib cage moves forward towards the pelvis resulting in your spine bending forward completely. This position is surely not very comfortable as there is no support for your back. A Personal trainer from Georgetown can guide you on losing weight along with providing proper protection and support to your back.

So now that you know that crunches are not the way to get the abs or the overall physical appearance that you want, what do you do? Talk with your Georgetown personal trainer and get set up a core workout plan that will get you in shape, make you feel a lot better and set you up for a long and healthy life.

You have gotten past the lies and the misunderstandings. Now it is time to see what else is out there and actually move forward into a healthier lifestyle with the help of your very own Georgetown personal trainer. - 17268

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