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Sunday, October 4, 2009

How To Build Up Muscle: Work Smarter Not Harder When Learning How To Build Up Muscle

By Henry Bantista

Nobody wants to be that little guy who gets sand kicked in his face and loses his girlfriend to the bully. Almost every guy has wanted to build up muscles at some point in their life. The reason there are so many gyms and health clubs in cities across the country is that almost everybody desires to be in better shape than they are. It does not matter if you look to lose weight or bulk up. There is one rule that applies in how to build up muscles that you must follow closely. Work Smart.

You may admire the guys of professional bodybuilding and even secretly desire to be one of those guys, but you have to keep in mind that these guys did not get the way they are through standard means of training. These guys have a gift from God, there natural make up is more conducive to gaining muscle.

The super stars of body building have a genetic advantage over the rest of us. They were born with the right combination of things to build up muscle, and in many cases these guys have not used just standard body building techniques to gain these massive physiques.

Chances are you are more like the average Joe, particularly if you are that puny little guy on the beach. First of all you probably don't have the genetic gifts and advantages of pro bodybuilders. Secondly you will have to learn to train smarter not harder to achieve your goals. Here are some steps to help you achieve this, and begin to build the muscle you have always wanted.

So once you have committed yourself to your goal to build up muscle, you must join the local gym or purchase the necessary equipment from a sporting goods store. Once you have your equipment you should consult a certified trainer to help you initiate a program that is safe and smart.

Another tip to help you work harder not smarter when building muscle would be to overcome any mental barriers. You need to psyche yourself up to work out. Building muscle is hard work, they don't call it a work out for nothing. So you need to look past the big boys and the pretty ladies at the gym and focus on your workout. You will get better results by focusing on what you are there to do, lift weights. So don't worry about what the other guy is doing, concentrate on your workout and focus on your training.

Another thing you need to concentrate on is focusing on your workout and blocking out those around you. Do not measure yourself up against the others, as nothing will discourage you faster. By trying to do what the other guy is doing you almost guarantee that you will hurt yourself.

Once you have a program designed for you, stick to it, do not attempt to over work yourself. Working smart and sticking with a program that improves gradually is how to build up muscle. By doing this you will be able to maintain the workout program on a regular basis. It makes no sense to workout hard then not be able to get back into the gym for a week or more. A weight training program is no good if you won't stick with it. By overdoing you can find that you have injured yourself. Throwing out your back is not how to build up muscle. So the first thing you should keep in mind when starting a weight lifting program is to be safe, do all training with moderation and workout smart. - 17268

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