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Friday, October 9, 2009

Ten Steps to Prevent Bruising, Step 9 - Beginning an Aerobic Exercise Program!

By Carolyn Cooper

After you've gotten serious in your desire to overcome bruising easily, you'll probably be a little bit skeptical of the wisdom of taking up a new sport or beginning a new exercise regimen. You are probably thinking that starting a new sports activity program will just mean that you are going to be more likely to getting a bruise than before the new program. While adding an exercise program irresponsibly could increase your easy bruising tendency, you should give consideration to a couple of other factors.

The first and foremost thing that you need to consider is the fact that your bruising easily is related to how your body reacts to injury. Because your blood vessels and your skin are more fragile now than when you were younger, you will discover that when you exercise, you are strengthening your body in a variety ways. An exercise program will make you more resilient and more resistant to bruising in general.

In addition to this, you will find that when you are in good physical shape and enjoying a sport safely and appropriately, you are not nearly as likely to get hurt. Instead, your reflexes will improve and your ability to roll with things is going to be much improved. With that in mind, take enough time to evaluate what kind of sports or exercises can provide you with the highest level of benefits.

Your current physical condition should be the starting point for your evaluation of exercise programs. Generally, an aerobic activity regimen is going to be the best way to get the results that you are seeking. An aerobic program will have you starting to build up grace and skill, and it will also put you in an ideal position to improve your overall cardiovascular health and your heart's functioning. As your cardiovascular health improves, so to will your circulation, which directly enhances your body's capability to overcome your easy bruising.

Practicing martial arts may seem like an extreme choice, but it is a great exercise program that improves your strength and flexibility all at same time is. Some martial arts require sparring, while others do not, so you should choose your martial art carefully. You will be able to find a style that allows you the precise amount of contact that you are comfortable with, and martial arts is an activity that will definitely get your heart rate elevated. This is the reason that martial arts is a great exercise program for you to consider.

If you have the joints for it, you should consider jogging. Good shoes, jogging on a forgiving surface and making sure that you have good form can help keep your joints in good shape, but jogging is perfect for your heart no matter how you do it. This can help you get your heart and your circulatory system in better physical shape.

If you are around a lot of snow, and you want to get a real rush, look into learning how to snowboard. Snowboarding combines speed with coordination and is perfect for anyone who loves being on the slopes. Just as racing down the hill can be a little unnerving, the experience can also be hugely invigorating. Once you graduate from the bunny slopes, you'll greatly reduce the wear and tear on your body, and you'll be boosting cardiovascular activity to some really high levels.

Preventing bruising is something that a lot of people think about, but if you have been thinking about it this long, it is time for you to take action; look to see what exercises are going to help you. Whatever your choice for an exercise program, you should consider adding a daily, all natural supplement program like Bruises Be Banned with its unique formulation that will help you overcome your easy bruising and help you reduce bruising or prevent bruising altogether. - 17268

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