Crack The Fat Loss Code Ebook

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Healthy Fats Complete Your Health

By Kathryn Barry

Healthy Fats include Saturated, Polyunsaturated and Monounsaturated Fats. Your body depends on a supply of fat in order to work and function properly.

The over consumption of Omega-6 polyunsaturated fats has lead Americans into a serious and life threatening Omega-3 fatty acid deficiency.

Increasing your Omega-3's and decreasing your Omega-6's until you reach a ratio of Omega 6 to Omega 3 in the 2 to 1 or 1 to 1 range will help to prevent such health problems like blood clots, weight gain, learning disabilities, heart problems, cancer, hyperactivity, and liver damage. Most people are likely to be in the 20 to 1 or 50 to 1 ratio in favor of Omega-6.

Another Serious Issue is Saturated Fats

We are being conditioned to stir clear away from these fats, yet your body depends on these Healthy Fats in order to flourish.

Your lungs can't work properly without an adequate supply of saturated fats.

Omega 3's need saturated fats to be used properly in your body.

Your kidneys function better with a saturated fat called myristic acid.

Without saturated fats your body's hormones would have a tough time completing thousands of jobs required by your body.

Inflammation can be controlled with an adequate supply of saturated fats.

Your cells communicate better when your diet has this fat and your cell membranes should be made of about 50% saturated fat.

In order for calcium to be utilized properly a certain amount of saturated fat is required in your diet.

Saturated fat plays an important part in your brain which is mainly composed of fat.

Coconuts are a great source of saturated fats. Their saturated fat content is at about 92% and coconuts have a special type of fatty acid which is medium chained in length.

Despite having a very high saturated fat content, coconuts do not have any cholesterol. Coconut's fatty acids also contribute to the production of energy which is a great help for people who have weight problems.

Lauric Acid is Abundant in Coconut's Fatty Acids

Coconuts and mother's milk have something in common and that is lauric acid. This special fatty acid is responsible for quite an array of health benefits.

Your body will convert Lauric Acid into a substance called Monolaurin. Monolaurin is especially important for new borns as they develop their immune system. Monolaurin contains antiviral, antifungal and antibacterial attributes.

Your thyroid which is connected to your metabolism is greatly enhanced by the presence of lauric acid. Lauric acid also helps your pancreas secrete insulin.

Coconuts can alleviate issues such as Stress, Wrinkles, Dandruff, Weight Gain, Osteoporosis, Diabetes, Heart Problems, and Immune System Disorders.

My Favorite is Raw Coconut Cream! You can make your own if you have a Green Star Juicer and some good coconuts.

Healthy Fats can do miracles for your well-being and health. So start making better choices and enjoy a much better life and energy level. - 17268

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