Crack The Fat Loss Code Ebook

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Pointers for a Great Cardio Workout

By Jesse Regan

People who want to lose weight cannot do away with a cardio workout. There may be other means but this is the sure-fire way of getting rid of the fats. There is dieting, which prevents one to acquire more fat from food. There is also weightlifting, which is also good for the heart while developing muscles. A cardio workout, however, is indispensable as it burns the fat more rapidly and makes the heart function better.

Any cardio routine can be done in the comforts of your own home or in the nearest gym. If the weather is fine, you can go for a jog at the park. You can enroll yourself to a cardio course in a gym if you think you need some coaching. If you already have some equipment such as a treadmill or an elliptical trainer, then you can use them as long as it is best for you. It is not really important if you have to do it in a gym or anywhere as long as the routines can give you the results you wished for.

Before one starts his cardio routine, he should do some stretching first. This will make sure that he is not going to get any muscle and bone injuries while doing the workout. Spending about five minutes to stretch the major muscle groups and the joints before jogging or hitting the treadmill or aerobics mat also prepares the blood circulatory system for intensive use. A little breathing exercise will also brace the lungs for some heavy work.

Another suggestion is performing not just one or two routines. There should be a combination of three or even more cardio exercises. This is important in order to have a more balanced and comprehensive muscle growth and body conditioning. An example would be getting off the treadmill after a while and try the elliptical trainer so that the arms and the torso can also be utilized. For joggers, who are not using any equipment, they should also pause from running and do some minutes of jumping jack. Another great type of cardio combination is the alternate use of light and heavy intensity routines.

You have to admit that an hour of cardio exercise can be quite boring. Certainly, you have experienced that while on your treadmill. It is even more so with your exercise bike. You can, however, make these pleasurable. Let music or a book accompany you while on your exercise bike. Amuse yourself with a comic movie on your entertainment system while on the treadmill.

Sweating out can certainly make one lose weight but if he is not careful enough he may also lose more than necessary. It is best to keep water in handy while doing the cardio. Drinking during rests is important so that the body is hydrated enough during the exercises. Water is a natural coolant needed to prevent burning out the body.

These are only a few samples about workout that you can get online. - 17268

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