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Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Best Female Bodybuilding Tips

By Jesse Regan

While the idea of men participating in bodybuilding competitions is commonplace, the sight of muscular women clad in bikinis posing in these contests still surprises many. However, that is fast becoming ordinary too nowadays as women from all over have become more concerned about losing fat and gaining muscles in all the right places, sometimes even more than men are. They sweat out so much in the gym to get the build they desired. They also compose the larger part of the market for supplements and steroids, which they see as necessary reinforcements. These do not mean though that they have lost touch with their being women.

Women do not build muscles to threaten men physically, of course. Like male bodybuilding, the first motivation is just to get a fit and healthy body. Doing cardiovascular routines, lifting weights, and performing push-ups and pull-ups are all meant to lose fat and replace it with lean muscles. After hitting their targets, many have opted to go into competitions and show to others the amazing results of their efforts.

Bodybuilding among women is increasingly becoming a fad. There are more competitions being held, attracting many competitors from all over. People are no longer surprised at women posing and showing off their muscles. In fact, women are now sharing notes on how to successfully lose fat and develop muscles much as they do with the latest lipstick from a cosmetic brand. These are not done in whispers though. The tips are all in the open, coming from various written sources and bodybuilding experts.

For those just starting out, hitting the gym floor and grabbing the barbells immediately may just be a recipe for disaster. They should first get the advice of experts on what routines they should do first. Their first sets of exercises should be based on an accurate appraisal of their bodies. After the appraisal, they can then start out with a light set of routines and with a few reps. As they build up their strength and as they get used to the routines, they can then start increasing the reps as well as the weights.

Advanced female bodybuilders may have more intense routines to follow. They can spend more time in the gym, lift heavier weights and do more repetitions. Focusing more on anaerobic intensity is also required. More rests may be afforded to them especially because of the tougher routines. For those bent into joining competitions, they should be learning the correct poses by this time.

Dietary supplements and steroids have been known to be taken by many women bodybuilders. It is common knowledge though that steroid can be risky and may need a doctors permission before these are taken. A healthy diet can provide the safest and best supplement. This means having meals that have good amounts of proteins and carbohydrates. The carbohydrates are essential to develop a good energy source. The proteins play important roles in growing the muscles. A healthy diet filled with the right nutrients is as important as weight training for a bodybuilder.

This is just one example of information about workout routine that you can find online. There are many more. - 17268

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