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Friday, October 16, 2009

Reduce Man Boobs

By Steve Brodie

There is a significant portion of the male population who will experience breast development, or man boobs, clinically known as gynecomastia, which is the breast tissue in the chest swelling. Typically man boobs occur temporarily during situations such as adolescence and other times of hormonal upheavals in the body. Older men who suffer from man boobs often do so as the result of hormonal drug abuse (steroids), from excessive weight or from imbalances in their hormones resulting from external hormone stimulants. If there is a rise in estrogen, or a lowering of testosterone the results in men can equal man boobs.

For men having man boobs can be a very traumatising and embarrassing affair. For the most part it is psychological discomfort and stigmatization that is resultant from having man boobs. Some men feel so bad that they resort to wearing specially designed vests that compress down the breast tissue under clothing, and this makes participating in sports and activities like swimming difficult, further increasing the feeling of stigmatisation.

It is wrong to think that gynecomastia only affects overweight or obese men, even slim men can get man boobs. With this in mind just exercising can sometimes meet with little results and can be very difficult to achieve any reduction in breast size. Exercise is a part of it, but generally the key aspects to finding a solution to your man boobs lies in lifestyle and diet.

There are surgeries available like reduction mammoplasty, however it should be a last resort because of the associated risks and high prices tag. Surgery involves either cutting away the glandular tissue or the excess fat, depending on what is the primary cause of your man boobs. Not usually covered by health insurance, this kind of surgery will also leave you scarred and may not even solve the problem, so leave it for the very last resort.

Now youre asking well how can I try to lose man boobs? There is no wonder miracle pill or cure that will work in a day. You can lose man boobs using natural ways " so no rushing into surgery! Diet and exercise play an important role in ridding you of chest fat and of course this is also the safest way. You can find herbal supplements that will also help the process of getting rid of your man boobs.

Our living environment today there abounds trick hormones " your body thinks they are hormones but they are usually chemical bi-products and they wreak havoc on your hormonal system. For example, especially for man boobs avoiding estrogen like compounds is important; these compounds catch in the estrogen receptors in your body and can do a world of damage to your hormonal balance. They come from many different sources, even from heating food in plastic as this can release phenols which are recognised in the body as estrogen, soy products and even almonds are among the estrogen no-nos.

Exercise is also important, for general health and well being as well as eliminating man boobs. Targeted exercises that burn fat on the chest are important, especially if your man boobs are resultant from excess weight. Man boobs related to hormonal issues can be trickier to deal with, but in any case exercise is important. Finding a program designed for man boobs is great and will save you a lot of time wasted on exercises that do not address the target areas.

Dont fell helpless anymore, yes it is stressful and embarrassing but you can overcome it. Using diet and exercise, herbal supplements and other natural remedies can see you getting rid of your chest fat in far less time that you think. You can loses your man boobs and feel free again. - 17268

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