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Saturday, October 17, 2009

Some Basic Rules For Healthy Living

By Jill Gorman

Healthy living depends on so many factors. You must take care of you physical health, you must take care of your emotional health and you should also take care of your spiritual health.

Most people think of physical health when they think about healthy living. Taking care of the body is vital for life and we should ensure that we feed the body all it needs to perform at an optimum level and ward of sickness. In the modern age this means we have to work harder to avoid the pitfalls of a modern diet that is greatly imbalanced in favour of saturated fats, processed sugar and processed carbohydrates. Getting access to a natural wholesome diet requires a concerted effort. We have to know what is good for us and where to get it.

Good physical health is also largely dependent on the type of lifestyles we have. Unfortunately, many of us lead very sedentary lives as are homes and jobs no longer require much physical exertion. Daily activities that would have kept a woman fit in the past such as washing clothes, have today been taken over by machine. In order to provide our bodies with the exertion it needs to stay strong, we must make a conscious effort to incorporate exercise into our daily routines. This can include joining a gym or simply resolving to walk to and from work every day.

Relationships with those around us also play a big part in our ability to live healthily. We are social beings and are surrounded by family, friends, colleagues and authorities. Wrong interactions with all the people we have to live with can seriously jeopardize emotional health. Existing in situations such as unhappy marriages is all too common and depression is rife. Do not be afraid to go for help if relationships are becoming a strain. You need emotional health to make most use of physical health.

Spiritual health is perhaps the most overlooked in healthy living. Human beings have always sought communion with a superior consciousness. We have described it in so many ways but throughout there is a common thread; what we perceive with our physical senses is not all that there is. The nature of the higher source is harmonious and in seeking to be at one with it we must be harmonious too. Without this quest in life there is more room for decadence and criminality to be at work. - 17268

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