Crack The Fat Loss Code Ebook

Friday, October 9, 2009

The Truth About Weight Training for Women

By Nadine Valcourt

Being a woman, it was often a daunting task to walk into the weight room of the gym and stand next to a bunch of guys curling hundreds of pounds of iron. It was seen as the macho guys room and the women belonged in the aerobics room with their fancy leotards.

It was a misconception that women had where they believed that if they started pumping iron with the guys in the weight room that soon they would start to look like Arnold Schwarzenegger.

Fortunately, times have changed and view points have as well. Strong gorgeous women like Sheryl Crow, Kelly Ripa and Brooke Shields have helped define the role weight training has for women. They work super hard to get those defined arms and are far from bulking up.

Women bodybuilders are generally the only women who ever see enough of an increase in their muscles to say that they "bulked up". And that was after spending 5 plus hours a day in the gym doing nothing but lifting weights. Women don't typically bulk up for a few reasons.

The male hormone testosterone, is not present enough in the female body for her to bulk up the way a male can so this accounts for reason number one. Number two is that women don't do the amount of high volume repetitions it takes at very high weights in order to bulk up.

A good goal to shoot for when starting a weight training program for women is to be able to do 15 repetitions of an exercise such as arm curls and have the muscle becoming tired toward the end of the rep. Increase the weight if the muscle is not being challenged. After 3 sets of the exercise the muscle should be highly fatigued.

Not only will weight training provide you with a sleek and toned body but there are significant health benefits to adding weights to your fitness routine. Weight training will leave your muscles in a high calorie fat burning mode for hours after your workout is complete which helps you maintain a healthy weight. It also builds stronger bones which will help you to stave off osteoporosis later in life.

Whichever way you choose to start weight training, whether at home or at the gym, will benefit you for years to come. - 17268

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