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Thursday, October 1, 2009

A Washington, DC Fitness Coach And A Washington, DC Personal Trainer Are Not The Same

By Josef Brandenburg

What is the difference between a Washington, DC fitness coach and a Washington, DC personal trainer? If you do not know, hold off a moment before hiring this professional. These two professions are seemingly the same, right? Not exactly and yet people often times make the mistake of hiring one without regard to what the other can offer. Your health and wellness is important. You want the best fitness workout, training and resources possible. So, which of these two professionals should you hire? Let's take a look at what each one has to offer.

What Does A Personal Trainer Offer?

At first, a personal trainer appears to be the ideal choice for most people. In other words, it appears to be ideal to have someone who is next to you throughout your workouts suggesting and advising you on various issues. It is certainly a better option than working out by yourself. But let us try to understand what a personal trainer really does.

* A personal trainer spends majority of time in observing your workouts. He is always with you assisting you and ensuring that you do not injure your self during the workout.

* A Washington DC personal trainer keeps track of your reps on your behalf. Later he uses this information either to increase your reps or increase your weights to develop your fitness levels.

* A personal trainer may offer some motivation to achieve the goals that you have. For example, they will stand by your side and encourage you to continue the workout.

* You need to have at least two, maybe three one on one sessions with your personal trainer to ensure best results. These regular meetings will help you in deriving best outcome.

* It is most uncommon for a personal trainer to provide you with a plan on paper that directs you on how to attain your goals. Personal trainers generally do not give any written plans.

If this sounds like what you want, consider what you could be getting from a Washington, DC fitness coach instead.

In What Way Is A Fitness Coach More Useful?

There is a huge difference between both these professionals. This is how a fitness couch can help you if hired.

* A fitness coach comes up with written plans for achieving your goals. They closely associate with you to understand what you are looking for - if you are aiming at building muscles or looking for overall health improvement or trying to loose weight. Workout plans are designed according to these goals.

* The focus is on results with a Washington, DC fitness coach. They are focused on getting you from point A to point Z around your schedule.

* A fitness coach develops and gives you a complete program for you to follow.

* A fitness coach is always with you even when times are not so good, making sure that you do not go off track. They constantly support you and encourage you to overcome all your hurdles.

* Even though a fitness coach is little expensive and charges you per hour, in the long run he will prove to be inexpensive because of the guidance he provides to make you successful. He may not be present during your workouts but his plan will definitely help you reach your goal.

The biggest difference between a Washington, DC fitness coach and the personal trainer is that the fitness coach is teaching you and empowering you to succeed at your goals. A personal trainer seems to be along for the ride. They may not be the best person for the job. - 17268

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