Crack The Fat Loss Code Ebook

Thursday, October 1, 2009

HCG Approved Foods:

By Amelia Handley

The homeopathic HCG diet requires dieters to learn to prepare meals of healthy food options. They inevitably learn to cook using healthy preparation methods. Because of the strict limitations, dieters who stick to the plan finish with a new weight in addition to new eating habits and healthy cooking abilities.

The new knowledge is what many say makes maintenance after the HCG diet so easy. Most diets leave people deliriously happy for about a week or two before they start gaining back the weight they lost. But the HCG diet has very high weight loss maintenance rates. This is due largely to the fact that dieters learn to have a different eating pattern while on the program. And actually maintaining their new, healthier weight results in increased levels of energy and self esteem in the individual who has finally been able to reach and stick to a goal weight.

And successful dieters take their new found self confidence and their renewed energy levels into their new lifestyle. Their new appreciation of healthy foods is one other very useful benefit of the program that dieters are able to keep with them after the program is completed. They are used to eating healthy foods. They are used to choosing healthy foods from amongst the wide array of foods at a gathering or party. They know which foods on a menu are most likely to be a nutritious meal.

HCG approved foods include: lean meats, a few vegetables, a few fruits, water and tea. And that's it. Dieters are strictly limited during the short time period on the diet and they learn to depend upon the limited foods as basics in their diet. Dieters are encouraged to use HCG approved recipes that stick to the diet plan in order to have a bit of variety and most adopt some or all of the recipes into their diet permanently. They allow the dieter to learn to use the foods; they're not just expected to eat the same food over and over with out any variation. They are taught how to create a variety of tastes with the healthy food options and a variety of preparation methods that keep the healthy nature of the foods intact.

While on the homeopathic HCG program dieters definitely learn to eat differently. Many are eating foods that they have never tried before they signed up for the program. But because they are so limited while on the diet, they learn the foods very well. They know them and are comfortable with them by the time the program is complete. And most don't have the desire to cut them out of their diet even after they are allowed to incorporate a wider variety of foods.

And there aren't many who would suggest that incorporating lean meats, fresh fruits and vegetables and tons of water into a daily diet is a bad thing. It's something that most people have in the back of their minds constantly; to start eating more fresh foods or start eating less fatty foods. Successfully completing the HCG diet means that these lifelong quests to "eat healthy" are met. And once they're met it's not a big deal to keep going in the right direction. - 17268

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