Crack The Fat Loss Code Ebook

Sunday, November 1, 2009

4 Things You Should Eat To Lose Arm Fat

By Katherine Crawford M.S.

It's the small things that count when learning how to lose arm fat. And if you learn all the small things, your arm fat loss journey will be that much easier.

The bad news is that you might be jaded by all the false promises and bogus marketing out there. After all, every marketer seems to be out for a quick buck with the rising obesity epidemic.

The good news is that I've already navigated all these waters for you. I've tested everything out there on myself and on my clients. And I'm ready to show you some of my secrets.

Thus, here are some nutrition tips for arm fat loss:

1. Load up on fat. Seriously! Dietary fat will increase the levels of arm fat burning hormones in your body. And make sure you have saturated fat. Despite what you've been told, saturated fat is GOOD for you. Coconut is my favorite choice here.

2. Drink small portions throughout the day. You have to drink small amounts of water during the day, not just with meals. They have to be small amounts because too much at once goes straight to the kidneys. And make sure you have some in between meals because that's when your body becomes dehydrated as a result of digestion.

3. Have a little stimulant. Caffeine is your best option here. Have a little before working out and enjoy the benefits of faster muscle firing and delayed fatigue. Having supercharged workouts will keep you burning an excess of calories many days after. And more calories burned equals more arm fat lost.

4. Load up on Ceylon cinnamon. Put Ceylon cinnamon on as many meals as you can, especially the bigger ones. Why? Because Ceylon cinnamon is loaded with antioxidants and increases insulin sensitivity. And better insulin sensitivity translates into more calories going to active tissues while arm fat starves and disintegrates.

If you apply the above tips, you'll definitely have an edge when it comes to losing arm fat. So make sure you take action on this advice and don't let it sit in the back of your brain. Act now to get results tomorrow! - 17268

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