Crack The Fat Loss Code Ebook

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Bodybuilding Workouts - Lose Weight, Burn Fat And Build Muscle

By Jace P. Andersen

There are several different types of bodybuilding workouts you can use and your workout of choice will be determined by your desire to either build muscle, lose weight or build muscle while losing fat. The most popular reason for body building is to burn fat and get muscle definition. No matter your weight lifting goal a body building workout can help you achieve that goal.

When body building you need to increase your body's calcium intake as calcium lowers the blood pressure and regulates fat storage. This means that a high calcium diet will produce a lot of heat without turning calories into fat. Calcium is also very important to keep your bones strong and healthy. You need to make sure that the high calcium products are within your daily calorie limit.

Body building is also used to build muscle besides just staying in shape. There are many different types of workouts depending on what your goals are. Many individuals want to tone the muscles that they have, other want to build overall muscle mass while others may want to focus on increasing and defining specific muscle groups.

If you are interested in adding to your muscle mass then it is recommended that you change your diet to eating 5 to 6 small meals spread throughout the day. You should also be eating about 500 more calories than you normally consume. Try to get these extra calories through protein and low fat foods to keep your fat intake to a minimum.

To gain the maximum amount of muscle as possible you should aim for performing 5 to 12 repetitions of each exercise. The exercises that you do for each muscle group should change every few weeks and you should look at lifting as much weight as you can with proper form with a day every now and then lifting lighter weights to allow your muscles to recover. By following these guidelines you will not be in danger or overtraining.

If you are interested in losing fat and gaining some muscle then you need to closely look at your diet. To lose fat you will need to decrease or restrict the calories you are consuming each day and make sure you are eating low fat foods. The key to building muscle and losing fat is adding resistance training to your aerobic or cardio exercise.

Resistance training at least twice a week has been proven to burn more calories over a 24 hour period then just aerobic exercise alone. You want to change between high intensity and lower intensity resistance training and make sure you normally lift for about 30 to 45 minutes a minimum of twice a week. It is important that you first do resistance training and then afterwards or the next day perform aerobic activity.

It has been scientifically proven that individuals will burn more calories and fat over a 24 hour period by using strength training then if you were to just do cardio exercise. The best way to do any exercise is to switch between periods of high intensity and low intensity periods. - 17268

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