Crack The Fat Loss Code Ebook

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Abs Work Out For Beginners

By Jace P. Andersen

There are many programs available that offer abs work out exercises. These can be found in gyms, videos, in groups, individually. It really depends on what environment a person feels most comfortable in and what motivates them to exercise. For many busy people going to a gym three times a week just isn't something they can make time to do on a regular basis so they look for options at home.

The first step in an effective abs work out program is to commit to a specific time each day to exercise. It is important that the time be realistic and doable. If you are not a morning person deciding to get up at 4am to exercise is setting yourself up for failure.

Taking the time make regular check-ups of progress is important to the success of an abs work out program. Noticing when certain exercises are working and what exercises can be dropped from the program will help a person stay on track and see results much more quickly.

A focused exercise program should not last over thirty minutes at a time. For the best results plan on exercising at least three times a week. It is also important to do some stretching prior to beginning an abs workout. The abdominal muscles are affected, and affect, many of the body's other muscles so when no stretching has been done a person can pull a muscle very easily.

The following exercises are done on the floor and are very simple starter exercises. You will find an abundance of abs workout exercises on the Internet that you may want to add as you get more limber and use to exercising.

On all fours while looking at a point in front of you, tighten the tummy and arch the back. This is sort of like a cat arching it's back. Hold the position for a count of 10 then release and relax. When first starting out only repeat this five or six times.

Lying on the back with the knees bent and fingers touching the shoulders. Tighten the tummy as you touch your knees with your elbows. Yes, these are mini sit-ups, but with the added feature of tightening the tummy. Hold the position for a count of five then release and lay complete back with the legs straightened. Repeat this exercise for another count of five when you first start and build up as you gain strength.

The last beginning abs work out is lying flat on your back prop your hips up with your hands holding legs in the air pretend to ride a bicycle. There is no count for this one because some people can do this for some time before they get tired. But, don't keep riding until your legs get cramped. Also, while riding hold that tummy in. These exercises are a great way for a beginner to start an abs work out that can be added to as one gets stronger and feels more confident. - 17268

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