Crack The Fat Loss Code Ebook

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

The Importance Of Fiber In Your Diet

By Alex Ariel Sanders

Bodybuilders have known for years about the direct connection between fiber and fat loss. However, until recently, it has been one of the few well kept secrets of those who intend to build muscle or trim body fat. Now, reports are coming out showing this correlation as well as the drop in occurrence of chronic degenerative diseases.

Fiber is the one found in the cell walls of fruits and vegetables. Since cell walls are only found in the plants that you eat, your meat would not be able to provide you with fiber. There are also two types of fiber available; one is soluble, which means it can dissolve in water, and the other is insoluble, which is just opposite of soluble fiber. Both can be taken and are necessary addition to your diet. With them, you can reduce your calorie intake since plants have very low caloric measures.

The two types of fiber work differently within the body's structures to promote fat loss and better health. Soluble fiber bonds with the bile produced by the liver and with cholesterol in the bloodstream helping it flush out of the body through elimination. This prevents the buildup of triglycerides in the blood.

Insoluble fiber, on the other hand, gives you the bulk. It is the reason why you don't feel hunger pangs whenever you consume it. Moreover, since this one is not digested entirely, you get rid of it through regular bowel movement. Nevertheless, even if it cannot be dissolved by water, it retains it, so you won't suffer from constipation or diarrhea. You can just imagine how fibers can help get rid of your bowel issues.

The insoluble fiber is also the one that forces that fats that have already bonded into the soluble fiber out from your body.

Fiber can also aid in the burning of excess fat. Moreover, it is also responsible for increasing the level of metabolism in your body, so you will have more ability to get rid of extra calories and toxins that are often responsible for the speed-up of the aging process.

When you look at the fact that the number of calories can be reduced drastically by simply adding more fiber rich fruits and vegetables to the diet in place of sugary snacks and a large portion of red meat, it is easy to see the benefit of fiber for those trying to lose the extra fat. Increasing exercise to burn more calories and speed the metabolism works to provide a powerful double sided approach to losing body fat.

The direct correlation between increasing fiber intake and fat loss is undeniable. And adding fiber to our diets reduces the risk of developing many degenerative health problems because the same foods that are high in fiber are also highest in the nutrients needed by the body to prevent diseases. - 17268

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