Crack The Fat Loss Code Ebook

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Washington, DC Weight Loss Expert Reveals The Body-Fat Master Key

By Josef Brandenburg

Losing weight may be your motive, and working with a weight loss expert in Washington DC is a step in the right direction. But you may miss the key steps to losing weight if you do not have an idea of how the body works. What is the main reason behind body fat? In spite of eating hearty meals, the common complaint most of have is that we are tired and lack energy. What could the reason be? The answer is Insulin. Our body naturally produces this hormone and all those who put on excess body fat and have low energy levels are insulin resistant.

What exactly is Insulin?

The body produces insulin naturally to help handle the conversion of sugars into energy. The secretion of insulin helps to regulate the blood sugar, a process that is quite necessary to ensure overall health. If you are insulin resistant, your body is unable to regulate blood sugar, which in turn can cause a number of health risks including an increased risk of stroke.

The Body Fat Trigger?

Body fat and insulin are connected; your Washington DC weight loss expert can help you figure out the connection between these two things. Take a look at what happens within our body on an average day.

* You start your day by having a healthy breakfast that includes lean bacon, eggs and spinach.

* After using the energy from this food, your body turns to the stored fat in your body to use as energy. That is good and it is what you need in order to lose weight.

* For lunch, you have a sandwich. The bread from within the sandwich causes carbohydrates to rush into your bloodstream. These have to be handled by the body to be used as energy.

* Our body's response to this is to produce insulin. The fat which was supposed to be used by your body as energy gets sent back and your body gets it energy from the carbohydrates in your blood instead. This is done in order to avoid a sudden rise in your blood sugar level.

Our Washington DC weight loss expert helps us understand the issue that could arise. Your lean tissue does not react properly when insulin is released if you have any level of Insulin resistance. The result is that your body is unable to make use of carbohydrates properly thus leading to rise in blood sugar levels in the body.

Understanding what happens to lean cells, is another way to look at the situation. These cells starve due to carbohydrates released in the blood. Since the fat has been pushed back to your cells, your lean tissues is left with nothing to burn and this results in a drop in your energy levels. The end result is that you feel famished and worn out. This is a continuous process.

In order to avoid this problem with your blood sugar, your Washington DC weight loss expert advises you to cut down on your carbohydrate intake. - 17268

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