Crack The Fat Loss Code Ebook

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Burn The Fat Feed The Muscle - Exercises To Burn The Most Fat

By Tony Gates

Exercises that burn the most fat are the most fascinating, and here are some of the finest. The following are exercises that may no only reduce fat overall, but will specifically target fat in the stomach and thighs.

Higher Abs Exercise - Do 3 sets of fifty repititions each.

Begin by lying on the floor and bend knees, then plant feet forcefully on the floor, now position hands behind neck and point jaw toward the ceilings. Lift back a small distance off the floor; breathing out on the way up then slowly lower back down towards the floor; breathing in on the way down, now rest 60 seconds between each set

Lower Abs Exercise - Do 3 sets of 20 repetitions each.

Lie on the floor with your hands under your bottom, waist flat on the floor, and legs extended; raise your legs straight up. Lower the legs back down to the floor. Do 3 sets of the twenty reps each.

Exercise to Lose the tummy fat - you can do 3 sets of 20 repetitions.

Standing with your arms extended from the sides of your body while holding dumbbells, have your feet placed immediately under each shoulder, then extend one arm up and over your head, then reach over to the other side of your body. Bring your arm back down even with your shoulder and do the same movement with your other arm.

Front of Thighs - you can do 3 sets of twenty squats.

Stand with hands at sides then hold back straight and tighten abs. Also, squat while extending arms out to front of body and raise back up while straightening arms down to sides again.

Inside of Thighs - you'll do three sets of twenty repetitions.

Lying on back, put hands under backside and back utterly flat on the floor. Raise legs straight up in the air; Keeping legs upright in air, spread feet apart, then bring back together and repeat Repeat twenty times.

Tighten ab muscles during this exercise and repeat twenty times. Part 2 - 3 sets of 20 Repetitions

Standing with your hands on your hips, raise up your left knee and then kick out to the left of your body, then place your foot back on the floor. Now raise your right knee and kick out to the right side of your body, then return your foot to the floor. It's an excellent idea to alternate quickly so you keep your balance.

Back Thigh Muscles - you can do three sets of twenty repetitions.

Employing a chair for support, stand behind the chair and raise right leg straight out behind body, lower leg to floor and then repeat with other side. Continue switching side for full sets of repetitions.

Outer Side of Hips - you'll do 3 sets of twenty repetitions.

Stand with your left hand on backside of chair, lift right leg out to the side of your body and then slowly lumbar region to floor. Repeat 20 times, then switch legs and turn to place right hand on back of chair, lift left leg out to the side of body and slowly lumbar region to floor. Repeat twenty times and then switch legs.

Now that you know what exercises burn the most fat, try them at home and be on the way to a fitter you! - 17268

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