Crack The Fat Loss Code Ebook

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Muscle Builders: NO2 Is Here to Help!

By Ruth Jackson

Flex those muscles! Would you want these to be well-defined and chiseled? Body builders have discovered a wonderful supplement in Nitric Oxide. This "muscle builder" provides you with improved lean muscle mass. Not only that, those who take nitric oxide are also known to enjoy an increase in libido and erectile "staying power", as well as an ability to recover faster during injury.

What does nitric oxide or NO2 do to build lean muscle mass? During your exercise, nitric oxide is released into the body for a short time. As nitric acid is released, it causes the muscles to contract. Thus the "highway" by which the blood and the nutrients can pass to get to the muscles, particularly the skeletal muscle. This is known as hemodilation.

By supplementing with NO2, you can enjoy an "extended release delivery" so that there is a lasting "muscle pump". The blood vessels remain open for longer, thus more muscle building nutrients and oxygen are released into the body. As a result, the muscle grows and become stronger, faster.

Now before you rush to your local health store for some NO2 supplements, please remember that there are those who are better off not taking NO2, since this may cause adverse reactions. NO2 supplements are rich in arginine. Those who are suffering from asthma should avoid this since L-arginine can cause the inflammation of the airways. Similarly, those who are suffering from herpes or any similar viral disease should not take NO2, since this will further allow the virus to grow and multiply.

There are also people who simply cannot tolerate significant amounts of L-arginine in their body. These, as well as those who are pregnant and breastfeeding, should not take NO2. Please consult your health practitioner before taking the supplement.

NO2 also causes some side effects such as diarrhea, stomach cramps and disorders, fatigue and hot flashes (even men are known to experience these!). The extent of these side effects really varies from person to person. - 17268

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