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Sunday, November 1, 2009

Eat Healthily and Live in Health

By Jesse Regan

There is always a condition for a disease. This is something that a physician can easily point out to you. The sad thing is that, despite the explanations, he may provide you; breaking the unhealthy bad habits that can result to an ailment can be quite tough for you to do. Especially if these have been embedded in you for a long period, such as diet habits, these are really hard to get over with. The fact that the easily available food is usually processed only makes it even harder to stop.

However, not doing anything about it means running the risks of getting the worst illnesses, including cancer. If you go on eating the unhealthy stuff you are so used to, you will certainly suffer the consequences soon. Therefore, it is important that you know what types of food can make you healthier and deliver you from the possibilities of serious diseases. The logic is simple: eat healthy and live healthily. If not, expect medical bills to saddle you in the future.

The initial step can be hard, which is to quit eating foods that are processed and are rich in nothing but sugar and fat. Process foods may seem to satisfy your hunger but it also gives your body free radicals in generous amounts. Too many dairy and fatty items like pork and fried food unload bad cholesterol into your cardiovascular system and drag you near to a heart disease. Having a sweet tooth, on the other hand, makes you an applicant for diabetes.

Now that you know what to shun, your next step is start eating healthily. Of course, the principal items on your table would be fruits and vegetables. These are loaded with antioxidants, elements that combat free radicals in your system. These are also your source of phytonutrients. These are natural chemicals that provide your body the minerals and vitamins that it needs in order to build defenses against dangerous bacteria and viruses.

To enhance your health even more, you should eat foods that are prepared or cooked with less fat and sugar. However, you should take note that your body also needs an amount of good cholesterol. Therefore, instead of eating the usual greasy stuff made of pork, chicken, or beef, your meat should be that of fish rich with omega 3. Instead of pies or chocolate bars for desert or snacks, take fruits that are also sweet but does not increase your blood sugar levels.

Just like everyone else who just started, you would think the change is cruel. However, if you do not want to hear your doctor tell you undesirable news and filch you with the medical bills later, then you should do it. Always put in mind that preventing a disease is nobody's responsibility, not even the doctor's but yours. By making sure that you have a healthy diet today, you erase the chances of living a shorter and sickly life.

These are some samples of information about healthy diet respites you can find online. - 17268

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