Crack The Fat Loss Code Ebook

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

My Common Sense Weight Loss Routine

By Rebecca Nolans

I'd like to share a quick story with you, now that you're here. This has been a really interesting year for me, full of ups and downs.

Like many Americans, I was laid off from my job earlier in the year. I had nowhere to go all day and I ended up at the computer most of the time. I was eating but I wasn't moving, and this led to a lot of weight gain.

I was confused by this. I generally don't eat too badly, though I do sneak in a few treats here and there. I hadn't changed my eating habits though. The fact that I wasn't as active all day caused the weight gain.

This has been great, as I've done it the right way without starving myself either. Here are three quick tips that I'll give you, all of which I've been following.

The biggest thing that I did was the fact that I eliminated any and all sodas from my every day drinking habits. I don't care if it's a diet cola that has no calories, I still think it's bad.

I think that sugar is what led to my weight gain more than anything else, so I decided to nip that in the bud. It was hard to do at first, but finding replacements for sugar like fruit makes the job a lot easier. After a few weeks, you simply won't crave sugar like you used to.

Exercise is the other part of the plan, and I've been getting a lot of it. Running at the gym nearly every day of the week, I'm more physically fit than I've ever been. I also love the rush I experience after a nice, long run.

Finally, I needed to cut down on the fat in my diet and decided to do away with anything fried. Harder than it sounds, because you'll really feel great once you stop. - 17268

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