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Wednesday, November 11, 2009

The Things You Must Know Regarding Biotin Hair Loss

By Jerry Scholtz

A general practitioner's promoted vitamin used for the remedy of hair loss is the Biotin hair loss treatment. Biotin, a B-vitamin, can be found in milk, egg yolk, soy, liver, and other rich foods. This natural nutritional supplement will help nails to appear healthful and will help repair hair loss.

To keep hair loss from developing researcher, Andrew Lessman suggests 2mg of biotin per day. The purpose of the B-vitamin is to maintain metabolism, but Biotin is especially intended for people high in cholesterol.

Even though Biotin is great for strong and healthy hair, specialists in the field of medicine suggest utilizing other B-vitamins in addition to Biotin. Vitamins B1, B2, B6, and B12, along with frolic acid and choline are vitamins that are in the B family.

The duplication and building of our body's cells relies on Biotiin, so if you are losing hair, make sure your medication contains biotin. Biotin is a vitamin that is used to make fatty acids and release energy from fat, protein, and carbohydrate molecules.

Here are biotin's primary sources: kidneys, milk, butter, cheese, poultry, cauliflower, bananas, watermelon, peas, brewer's yeast, nuts, beans, oat bran, and oily fish. In order to avoid hair loss, consume a diet of rich items to provide a balance of biotin.

Hair growth can also be promoted with shampoos containing biotin. But many doctors still recommend you take a biotin supplement too, since you would have to eat a lot of these foods to get the desired results with your hair.

The positive effects of Biotin are it helps maintain healthy hair, since it provides protein in the body from rich foods in the diet. The negative effects of Biotin are it hasn't proved to be 100% effective; it is however more effective when taken with other B-vitamins.

Now before running down to the drug store to get a biotin supplement, you should find out more about this vitamin and its side-effects from your physician. Also, if you are already on some other medication, then biotin should be used cautiously. Occasionally people have had bad side-effects from using various supplements, often resulting in biotin deficiency.

A Biotin shortage can set off vomiting, melancholy, and anorexia. As Biotin is a natural botanical ingredient, it is not often seen as hazardous. You ought to use Biotin at your own risk, as it isn't FDA-accepted. - 17268

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