Crack The Fat Loss Code Ebook

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Weight Loss And Natural Diet Pills

By Karen Crists

There are many advertisements for diet pills, both natural and chemical, that claim individuals will have rapid and permanent weight loss by taking the pill daily. But in reality diet pills alone will not help a person to lose weight permanently.

It is important that prior to losing weight an individual formulate a plan for weight loss. The plan should be holistic and include diet, exercise and natural diet pills. Natural diet pills do not promote weight loss. They stimulate the metabolism and a person will burn more calories when their metabolism is sped up.

Weight issues are especially prevalent in women after they have reached their thirties. As the metabolism slows down one finds that even though they are not eating more or exercising less they are still gaining weight and inches. This is a natural process. However it is a process that can be countered with the use of natural herbs, diet, and exercise.

When one is looking for herbs in pill form that increase the metabolism and help one to lose weight they will not find many of them in a bottle labeled "lose weight quick." These natural herbs are all effective but only when used in combination with exercise and diet.

One of the natural oils that raises the metabolism is coconut oil. Using this oil for cooking instead of polyunsaturated oil, which slows the metabolism, will help one with speeding up their metabolism. A person wants to be as well aware of those foods and herbs that slow down the metabolism as they are about what speeds up the metabolism. In this way it is possible to create a balance that will work effectively.

Catechin polyphenols increase the metabolism and burn calories. This is an herb found in green tea. While one can drink lots and lots of green tea it may be easier just to buy the herb in pill form at a health food store. There are many other herbs that increase the metabolism such as kelp and Garcinia Cantbogia.

When the metabolism is elevated calories are burned faster. By combining this step with a healthier diet and exercise regimen one will see long term weight loss that will not result in weight gain when the pills are stopped. For those times when one gets hungry during a diet there are also herbs for that. Carcinia Cantegoia and fennel reduce hunger and can be added to salads or taken in pill form.

Once an individual develops a healthier routine it is much easier to lose weight without the use of manufactured or chemical diet pills. The reward for taking a natural path to weight loss is that a person begins to feel better almost immediately and does not have to worry about side effects or long term illnesses resulting from the ingredients in the pills they have taken.

Creating a diet and exercise plan on one's own allows a person to start off with something that they know will work for them. When there is something in the plan that is not working it is very easy to change. The difference between creating a healthy lifestyle on one's own and doing one that someone else created is that you know your body best. You know what foods you can eat that will be beneficial to you. Not everyone can eat that food and it may not be one that is found in any diet plan but yours.

It is important to do research and find out what works best for you. Using natural ingredients and a healthy diet will be much more cost effective than buying all the new diet pills that are placed on the market on a regular basis. - 17268

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