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Sunday, January 17, 2010

Energy Drink Consumption Patterns Among College Students

By Joseph Young

Many college students are working hard on multiple jobs while attending to their campus studies. These days they are keeping themselves going by drinking energy drinks as Red Bull and Amp. College students make up the major number of the consumers.

Energy drink consumption patterns among college students are usually tracked by a survey such as Surveys track the reasons based on taste, appearance, and desired effect as well as results after.

A recent survey showed that consuming energy drinks with alcohol is most popular. This practice has been related to fatalities, yet it remains a weekend highlight among college students. The weekend drinking binges often includes Red Bull and Vodka. Wow, what a mix of high and low in one cup. Blows your mind to think of it.

With every bad opportunity there come good ones too. One company stepped into the marketplace to present a healthy energy drink with an opportunity to help the college student pay for college. Read More about Efusjon Energy Drink Club at our blog. This is a direct sales company out of Bend, Oregon.

I often wonder how many college students really realize the amazing opportunity they hold in their hands everyday? They hold a can that represents a 6 billion dollar industry. They could get in on it if they only knew how to. Knowing that there was a chance to operate a business without leaving campus and slave at other jobs might appeal to some.

Drinking energy drinks is no different. A good pattern with this will result in increased energy levels, awareness, and nutrition. A bad pattern of too much can result in adverse affects, so be aware. Nervousness, sleep apnea, and increased heart rates are results of over consumption. Always pay attention to what you are drinking. Read the cans, after all, you are college students! - 17268

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