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Friday, December 12, 2008

Best Bodybuilding Supplements, About Creatine

By Ricardo d Argence

Creatine is not actually a drug, but instead is a natural substance that our bodies produce. Actually, it's a combination of three amino acids: glycine, arginine and methionine. We can also get creatine from our diets, mostly from animal products like meat or fish.

It helps the body do so-called "explosive" high intensity and repetitive exercise. This means that you can get a better workout when you take creatine, and you'll feel better after your workout too, since your muscles can cover much more quickly from fatigue. It helps reduce the accumulation of lactic acid after your workout, which will help you avoid muscle soreness after your workout.

Even though you can get creatine from your diet, taking supplements of creatine will give you larger amounts of it. Taken within reason, this can help you exercise longer with less fatigue and soreness, and with faster recovery times so that you'll recuperate for less time between workout sessions. This is especially helpful for bodybuilders or other athletes who wish to build muscle mass quickly or improve performance by working out longer and harder.

Adenosine triphosphate or ATP, is a found in your muscles and is simply waiting for you to have a use and need for it. When necessary, it can be given to you speedily and at once, which results in an "explosive" benefits to muscles, making it possible to do intense workouts nearly immediately.

Just remember that while taking creatine your body is going to retain more water in your muscles, resulting in the need for you to increase your intake of water to off set the rest of your organs. In short, be sure you drink enough when you're taking creatine.

Creatine can help you work out longer, harder and more frequently than you can without it, which can help you build muscle faster. It can also greatly reduce muscle soreness after workouts, which not only means you can work out sooner, but you'll also feel better.

However, it has some cons, too. You will experience weight gain because your body will retain water in its muscles. That's not necessarily a bad thing, but just be prepared for the higher number on the scale. You can experience dehydration and related side effects like nausea, vomiting or even seizures, in addition. Also, it is not advised to take Creatine if you have kidney problems due to the added stress that Creatine can cause to the kidneys.

In order to function correctly and have effective workouts, you must eat right, no matter the supplements you take.

No amount of creatine in the world will help your workout if you still sit there and eat junk food in lieu of lean proteins, complex carbohydrates, fruits, and vegetables. Your muscles require something to build themselves with and junk food will not work. In order to have a more healthy diet it is as simple as adding lean meats, fish and complex carbohydrates as well as fruits and vegetables to your diet. Limit or eliminate trans fats, simple sugars and carbohydrates, and junk food in general.

That said, though, with these guidelines in place, creatine can certainly help you improve your workouts and therefore your muscle mass as long as it's used properly. - 17268

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