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Friday, December 19, 2008

Mangosteen Juice: ensure you determine one that is top quality.

By Julieanne van Zyl

The following are terms by which the Mangosteen juice is recognized and called - Miracle juice, Queen of all fruits, Antioxidant per excellence. This is because of its qualities and characteristics, which are meant to have the power to cure many ailments and disorders. Mangosteen juice contains most xanthones and antioxidants, which apparently help kick out all forms of ailments from the body.

Well, while these claims seem to be despicable and over hyped, it is more and more obvious that quite a few users are really enjoying the benefits and are claiming small "miracles" just as a result of taking the juice. Some have claimed greater spirit levels while others have affirmed that it helped them get rid of their dysentery, hypertension and other similar ailments like repeated headaches. Either way, as a fruit juice, it has all the benefits of the typical fruit and more.

Because of its increased popularity and the rate at which manufacturers are going into the market, it is difficult to know what brand to buy and what the determinants or features of a trusted brand are. In this article, you will not be learning what brand to buy -that is like giving you fish- instead you will learn all the basics of identifying what makes a particular brand of higher quality than others.

In this article, you will not be learning what brand to purchase- that is like giving you fish- as an alternative brand of higher quality than others. I am inclined you would prefer that, as it is more like teaching you "how to fish" as an alternative of "giving you fish".

There are diverse attributes to watch out for in high quality drinks generally. These also pertain to Mangosteen juice regardless of the packaging and the brand name. The very first thing to watch out for to find out the quality and value of what you will be getting in any bottle of juice you want to acquire is:

1. If separate tests were carried out on the brand. These separate tests must show such things as the precise amount or number of xanthones and phytonutrients available in a given bottle. This makes sense as the higher the number of xanthones or phytonutrients obtainable in any bottle, the higher the chance of its working as an ailment kicker and a promoter of wellbeing. This is the purpose we all take fruits in the first place - to be in top health.

2. Its Oxygen Radical Absorbance ability value. This is very significant as we all keep building up free radicals in our bodies during the day's affairs. When there are little or no antioxidants present in the body, it is more than possible that the body will be more susceptible to ailments.

3. Look out for the methods of processing the juice. Some manufacturers often heat the juice just before it is bottled up as a means of preserving it for longer periods. Unfortunately, research has shown that once fruits are heated, they lose their nutrients. And if the nutrients available are lost, why would you want to spend that amount of money on a bottle of juice? Instead, look for a product that is cold processed.

4. The great amounts of xanthones and phytonutrients obtainable in the Mangosteen are mostly contained in the pericarp and the seeds of the mangosteen. So, look for those Mangosteen Juice products with the whole fruit puree -this means the whole fruit is included with nothing left out. - 17268

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