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Friday, December 19, 2008

Why Building Strength Should Be Your Number One Goal

By Caleb Lee

If you are wondering why I deal with strength training seriously and think you should too therefore this article will tell you why.

Read this article now to discover some good reasons why I think building strength should be your number one goal (even if you just want to build a lot of muscle and burn a lot of fat)

1. Strength Training Is More Efficient:

Ever needed to lift a bit heavy? Move furnishings? Pick your girlfriend up and pin her against the wall for a scorching make out session? All those things required strength, not necessarily muscle size.

As a matter of fact, every so often having supplementary muscle is not advantageous - it weighs more therefore if you have to run or walk long distances takes added calories to keep up, in a few words you have to eat more...

2. Building Strength Takes Less Time:

Most professional bodybuilders spend up to 6 days in the gym and some even do twice a day workouts. If you're like me (or most people) then lifting weights isn't your full-time job.

You can turn out to be super strong training 3-4 days a week, and spend not exceeding 20-30 minutes in the gym each time - DoubleYourGains' 3-5 Program takes 30mins/3x week. That means you could be spending 2 hours in the gym vs. 12. It doesn't take long to build up strength.

3. Building Strength Is Inspiring:

Most people don't have any goals when they go to the gym, they think "I want to look better" but that's vague and undefined. Knowing you want to add 5lbs to your deadlift every time you go into the gym though is VERY motivating.

What's more, observing the weights build and seeing how far you've developed over the course of time is very motivating and makes you want to keep coming back to the gym.

4. Strength Makes It Natural To Develop Bulk:

Most bodybuilders nowadays don't realize that guys like Arnold and weightlifters from his day all did powerlifting routines at the beginning of their careers to build high starting levels of strength and power.

They had a matchless "dense" look to their physiques from all this heavy weight training. And were able to employ heavier weights when it came to doing out-of-date bodybuilding style set/rep schemes - so it was much easier for these strong lifters to build muscle.

5. Better For Health:

There's been loads of modern research that shows strength training helps to stop age related diseases and worsening diseases.

In a nutshell: Losing muscle mass is an inevitable result of aging, but strength training in particular will tell your body to "hold on" to muscle mass because it needs it to continue lifting heavy stuff.

And also, your bones will become stronger as well to support your framework of muscle mass.

6. Improves Self-Confidence

There's nothing better than KNOWING you can pick a heavy weight off the floor or press a heavy weight up over your head. Or knowing that you have the strength to pull yourself up and over a wall up and over the edge of a cliff and things like that.

Knowing you are as strong as you look is a main confidence booster.

7. Strength Training Is Excellent For Athletics

Strength is the core for all other physical qualities. Building up your strength boosts your power, explosiveness, speed, agility, endurance, and all that.

What's more, several sports - mainly martial arts - require athletes to have high relative strength. They need to be immensely strong for their size for they have to stay within a specific weight class.

There's nothing worse than acquiring 20 MORE pounds of muscle you have to carry down the field, or move around the ring to avoid getting knocked out - and that 20 pounds of muscle is not doing you any good.

8. Strength Training Is Great For Women

Nearly all women don't want to be like the hulk. They don't want to gain 20 pounds of muscle. They just want to get "toned". As I mentioned earlier, strength training is the greatest way to get the toned look.

So if you're a lass you can become strong very fast and uplift your health and quality of life without taking away from your feminineness in the least. - 17268

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