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Thursday, December 18, 2008

The Facts About Acaiberry Juice

By Ron Duckett Douglas

The juice extracted from acai berry is called acai juice. In the Amazon rainforest of Brazil, S. America, a special palm tree bears purplish fruits called acai berries. The color, shape, and size of the acai berry resemble that of the grape fruit. The occupants of the Amazon have used acai fruit for food as well as for its medicinal value.

The fruit grows in bunches consisting of eight fruits each. Harvesting and processing of acai berry should be done carefully as the fruits are very sensitive to light and are perishable. The ORAC rating ranks the juice to have many benefits as compared to other fruit juices.

The Acai berry fruit contains a seed and the skin. The skin forms 10 to 12 percent while the seed has the rest part. The fruit juice is processed from both parts, and hence the product has various product names. Acai berry benefits are awesome: they include prevention of cancer, weight loss and boosting body immunity.

According to scientific research, acai berry juice contains omega 3 fatty acids. These acids aid in prevention of the formation of cancerous cells that cause cancer. Besides, the juice has phytosterols that aid in prevention of high blood pressure in our bodies.

Furthermore, this natural herbal fruit juice is rich in antioxidants. The level of antioxidants is ten to thirty times higher as compared t those in the grape fruits. The chemical, antioxidant, detoxify the body hence prevents intoxication of the body off its wastes.

Acai can be used for many purposes including weight loss and as an energy booster. Acai juice is normally cloudy and purple in color and it is the most enjoyed part of acuities drink is rich in carbohydrates and is used as an energy drink. Acai berry juice has proved to be the organic drink of the time that enjoyed by all.

The fiber content in the acai berry assists in food digestion. The minerals present in acai berry are magnesium, copper and potassium. You can always mix acai berry juice with your favorite juice or drink.

Also, Acai juice can be used for some conditions that affect human beings like allergies, weight loss, obesity, high blood pressure, heart diseases, and it can be used to improve on brain memory function and eyesight. - 17268

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