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Saturday, December 13, 2008

Sean Nalewanyj's - Truth About Building Muscle

By Westy

Muscle building goal which many find elusive is made very simple and real by Sean Nalewanyj's step-by-step mass gain program, Muscle Gain Truth- No Fail System. Sean admits that "Building muscle is one of the simplest things to understand but one of the most difficult to implement." Learning to build ones muscles is very easy. However actually doing it is another ball game. This is where Sean's program comes in. It is unique and simple. Sean understands that many people although equipped with the knowledge required for it, fail.The Truth About Building Muscle

Why Do People Fail Their Muscle Building Program?

1. Laziness or lack of motivation.

2. Misinformation relating to bodybuilding

3. Loss of focus on the goal.

Once you learn to get past the obstacles that are confronting you, there will finally be results. There are some things that you can do to prepare for your muscle building. The success that is reached with the program will depend on you and your motivation and focus on the goal. You should understand that the concept of muscle building is relatively simple, but practicing those concepts is difficult.

Sean's program is just not mental preparation but a whole lot more- It is a step-by-step, planned and organized program. Sean asks you to allow him to become your new muscle building dictator. Why? Because this will let you to unlearn the nonsense which you "think" you know about weight gain.

You just need to follow the basic principles highlighted in his program. The same that Sean used to build his 80 lbs; that many people have successfully followed to flaunt impressive bodies. Seans principles- Principles that bring out great results.

(1) The workouts will be very intense and many people do not recognize what an intense workout generally involves.

This program will tell you exactly what you have to do to get the results that you want. But you will also receive information on why you are following these principles. You will understand what you are doing for your body with the exercises that are included. You will follow three intense workouts a week and during the rest of the time you will rest your body and eat. The intensity of the workouts is necessary if you expect to get the changes that you can receive from this program.

(2) Nutrition is one of the most important factors of the program. The type of nutrition that you use in the program will be of the utmost importance. This is what will cause the real changes in your plan.

The work out session covers:

(1) Lessons in video to show you the plan in minute detail.

(2) lessons ranging from warming up, stretching, choosing the best exercise and then effectively getting it done.

(3) Breathing and rest information that will help you to get the results that you want. - 17268

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