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Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Developing Your Body Building Schedule

By Westy

If you are looking for the perfect bodybuilding schedule, you will not find it in the pages of a book or with a particular program. The truth of the matter is that there is no one perfect bodybuilding schedule that will work for everyone. The one schedule that will work for you is the one that fits in with your lifestyle and addresses your bodybuilding needs.

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One thing is common in all successful bodybuilding workouts, however, and that is consistency. You must develop a schedule that fits in with your needs and that you are capable of continuing every day. Your workout days will have to be adhered to no matter how you are feeling on a particular day. Discipline is the key to success with bodybuilding.

For beginners it is better to start off with a lighter load. Gradually work your way up to a heavier schedule as you progress in your abilities. Many people find that a day of rest in between workouts is the best way to go in the beginning.

As to the schedule proper, it is best to start your first day with a workout that is directed towards your upper body. The next day, it is now advisable to have some aerobic exercises to let all oxygen come into your system. On the third day, the opposite of day 1 will follow. This time, the focus will be on working out your lower body. Then the same alternating pattern follows for the entire week.

The muscles must have a full day of rest so that they can begin to build. It is during the rest periods that your muscles grow, not on the days that you are working them.

What you must do in your bodybuilding schedule is use a variety of exercises to work all the muscle groups in your body. The body will begin to adapt to the stress and strain that you are putting on it with your workouts. If you spend too much time on one area of the body, you will not realize as much gain from your efforts. There will be a better chance for growth and development when you use different groups of muscles at different points in your schedule.

This is the basic body building schedule that must be followed. As you progress with your fitness program, it may be necessary to adjust your schedule and increase its intensity. When you will become accustomed to this new schedule, you may even sacrifice your free day and make some short rests on your workout days. - 17268

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