Crack The Fat Loss Code Ebook

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

How To Plan Fat Loss

By David Moore

Fat loss plans come in every shape and size, just like people. They can work if you follow them exactly and this is perhaps the key point. If you notice carefully you will see that these programs always add something about a proper diet and exercise routine being used in order to succeed. Indeed, if you follow a healthy eating plan and exercise properly you will be able to actually lose your unwanted weight.

Diets are only part of a fat loss program, because you have to figure out a way to help speed up the use of that fat that is already in place if you want to lose more weight faster. Even if you cut your intake down now, it will still mean that you have to burn through about 3500 calories just to lose a pound of fat. Let's consider this a moment, if you decrease your calorie count by 500 calories a day, that will be 500x7 days, in a week you would lose 1 lb of fat from your body.

This is a very hard diet to maintain for weeks and weeks, however, and is not proven to work. There are many other factors at work and you need to be able to target that fat for burning.

You can burn fat quicker if you combine a good diet with exercise. Including 30min-1hr of aerobic exercise daily will help you burn calories much faster. A good exercise routine should be one that targets fat loss - you should exercise at about 70% of your maximum exertion so that your body targets fat to burn.

You can boost your diet efforts by including those foods that have a natural fat burning property to lose weight. Remember to drink a lot of fresh water and unsweetened green tea as well as vitamin supplements in order to increase your ability to burn fat.

Include fresh vegetables and fruits high in fibre and keep processed foods and sugars down to a minimum. You can create a great diet that allows you to eat all kinds of food you can enjoy, you just need to have a plan and stick with it. Eat more meals per day but smaller ones and your body will learn to stop storing fat.

You will need to commit yourself to your diet and exercise regime once you've planned it out and make sure not to cheat too much. Only then will your fat loss plan be successful.

You may also need to find a program that works for you. Some things don't work for everybody, and some people can't keep themselves on some diets. Try to make a diet for yourself that will become part of your lifestyle so you can keep the weight off once you've dropped it. - 17268

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