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Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Effective Body Acne Treatment

By Lucy Collins

Believe me, finding a suitable treatment for body acne is far easier than what you ever imagined.

Many people only recognize acne as pimples that display on the face, but it is almost as common on other parts of the body. Pores on other parts of the body can become clogged, infected and inflamed just like those on the face, and some people are more susceptible to body acne than facial acne. There are great treatments out there, you just need to look!

As you probably know, that the skin around your body is a lot tougher than the skin on your face, so in order to find the right body acne treatment, you are going to need something a little bit stronger, than you average cleansing soap. Sometimes, you might not even need soap or a lotion, just a change in your fabrics or the deodorant you might be using.

If you wear a lot of tight clothing, this could very well be the reason for you body acne. In order to help clear up that body acne, wear some t-shirts or some looser type clothing until the acne actually clears up. From there, try and wear clothes that are made from natural fibers. Natural fibers help keep the moisture away from your body, which essentially creates unwanted body acne.

As most sufferers know, exercise is a great tool against your fight with acne but if you find you are having frequent outbreaks, it is more than likely due to the increased amount of sweat resulting from the exercise. To combat this, be sure to shower immediately after each exercise session as this will effectively prevent the sweat and body oil from going into your pores.

Try looking into some sort of body acne treatment spray. Usually, these sprays come in bottles that are designed to reach those places in your body that you cannot reach! They are usually inexpensive, and highly effective. Run to the store and see what you can find, or talk to your dermatologist about which ones would work best for you!

If your acne persists, many people turn to topical creams that are applied once or twice daily to treat their body acne. Antibiotic creams for treating body acne can work very well and they have very few side effects if used as recommended. Don't be afraid to try a few over-the-counter from the drugstore.

If all else fails and you have found that these treatments are not working for you, then look to your doctor for something stronger. Usually your doctor, or dermatologist will be able to prescribe a medication that will come in pill form, and you will take it once a day.

Rest assured that while there may be times you doubt it, an effective treatment for your acne is available and it's simply a matter of you finding the one which works best for you. Of course, prices can vary tremendously but be warned, more expensive does not always mean a treatment is more effective so be sure to test a few. - 17268

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