Crack The Fat Loss Code Ebook

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

How To Lose Weight Quickly! 2 Amazing Secrets Divulged.

By Peter Clayton

Two breakthrough secrets showing how to lose weight fast are revealed here.

A doctor named Suzanne Gudakunst has just released information on a discovery that allows anyone, regardless of their particular diet, to do just one simple thing and instantly start shedding unwanted and potentially dangerous fat. Typical weight loss results average 45 lbs. in just the first 30 days alone for most people who are just starting out using her new secret.

Dr. Gudakunst found that foods which contain chemicals, preservatives, pesticides, etc. produce crusty "plaque" that builds up in everyone over the years.

This plaque is the reason for your extra weight for the following reasons:

Your body starves from lack of needed nutrition, regardless of how much you eat. As a result, you continue to consume more food and gain more weight.

Your hypothalamus regulates your metabolism to process food much more slowly in an attempt to accumulate food, causing you to become even fatter!

Ridding your body of this very harmful "garbage" allows you to naturally begin dissolving the fat that can damage your otherwise healthy and attractive figure.

Also recognized by Dr. Gudakunst were a great many specific types of "parasites" (i.e.--small, worm-like, eyeless, fanged organisms) existing inside 99.964% of everyone's intestinal tract in the United States, and 92.36% of persons globally.

These nasty parasites take from you valuable nutrition, as well as laying millions of eggs. They also emit an unsafe, toxic, jelly-like "sludge" in your intestines. To make matters worse, once deceased, they petrify. This produces a coral-like barrier that stops you from absorbing the correct amount of nutrition.

Parasites also release chemical messengers that make you crave foods you are not supposed to eat. Eliminating them means you no longer desire 1000s of damaging foods.

Without proper nutrition, your health is at risk; and not only will you see a reduction in your quality of life, but your lifespan as well.

Dr. Suzanne has tested her amazing new discovery privately with a select group of volunteers for 6 years, with nothing short of fantastic results!

A lady from Chicago who weighed 587 lbs. was able to lose an amazing 449 lbs. in less than 5 months. Now weighing 138 lbs., she looks like a brand new person. She has also added many years to her life as a direct effect of utilizing the "Top Secret Fat Loss Secret!"

There have been many other success stories like this. - 17268

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