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Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Getting Rid Of Your Acne With Home Remedies

By Lucy Collins

When it comes to acne, we all just look at it as a simple annoyance, something that makes us feel incredibly self conscious. And, when it comes to treating out acne, we would prefer to find something effective, and something that will not put a damper on our wallets. Here are a few home remedies acne treatments that you might find rather helpful!

It has long been debated whether or not home remedies can work for acne or not, or that they are weaker than other things you can use to fight acne. In many cases they are weaker, but you get less side effects and in many cases they can clear your acne up easily. It is all about allowing the body to heal itself. If you learn to change the way you treat your skin, it may also have lasting results where medications may allow acne to return.

Vitamins can make your body stronger against acne. Niacin, Vitamin A and E are powerful acne-fighting vitamins particularly. You still need to take care how you use vitamins and consult a physician before starting any treatment regimen, of course, even though they are 'natural'.

Garlic has also been known to be one of the most effective remedies out there, despite what others might think. If you take raw garlic, and rub it on the pimples that you need to get rid of you will have clear skin in a relatively short period of time! Make sure that you rub the garlic on your face numerous times a day, though.

A well balanced diet can also be considered excellent home remedies acne treatment! Along with your well balanced diet, make sure that you are eating plenty of fruit throughout your day. Fruit and vegetables within your diet will actually help you to prevent anymore acne breakouts!

Both orange peels and lemon peels are known to be effective at clearing up acne breakouts. Additionally, the freshly squeezed juice of a lemon is guaranteed to help as it's extremely effective in breaking down the grease and dirt which blocks your pores, which in essence is the cause of your acne in the first place.

If you are looking for something in the way of a cream or a pill, then try zinc. Zinc has been a common acne home remedy, and people still continue to use it! Zinc can be found in the form of an ointment that you can apply directly to you face, or you can buy it in pill form and take it for a month. After a month, reduce the amount you are taking, and watch your results!

Of course, as there are many different home treatments you'll need to find which ones work best for you simply through trial and error. The remedies I have mentioned in this article are only the tip of the iceberg and with a little research, you'll find a wealth of others which you may wish to try.

While a few of these remedies seem a bit outlandish, you might be surprised at how effective they actually are. So, grab some garlic or a lemon or two, and get started on those nasty pimples, the right acne remedy is out there, and it is probably in your refrigerator! - 17268

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