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Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Some Facts You Should Know About Carbs

By Ricardo d Argence

Carbs will be one of the first things you will have to face when trying to lose weight, whether you're trying to lose just a few more pounds or are going to make a serious lifestyle change. Diets say that they are a specifically low carb diet and there are lot of foods out there that proudly proclaim that they are low in carbs.

Do you know what carbs are and what information on them would help you in taking a decision? Does cutting them out really cause you lose weight?

Initially, it is important that you are aware of what carbohydrates actually are. Carbohydrates, generally referred to as carbs, are very important in providing energy to the body.

There are two kinds of carbohydrates. The first are sugars, or simple carbohydrates. The second are starches, or complex carbohydrates. The difference between the two is the length of time it takes your body to digest them. Sugars are digested quickly, while starches take longer. Simple carbs are foods such as pizza, chocolate, cake, and other processed food with sugar additives. Healthier foods like apples, grapes, bananas, and raisins are also considered to be simple carbs as well.

Complex carbs are found in breads, cereals, nuts, pasta, and vegetables such as carrots, potatoes, and corn. Complex carbohydrates, take a long time for your body to burn and will give you energy that lasts.

As you might expect, both simple carbs and complex carbs are necessary for your body to function correctly. Think about the fact that sometimes you do need a short burst of energy to get you going, and that at some points, you need food that will keep you going.

The best way to make sure that you keep your energy going with simple carbs is to have a bit of fruit in the morning to get you started and eating well rounded meals that have good complex carbs in them. You store energy in the form of fat when you eat too many carbs. That's the reason why we gain weight.

So with this in mind, you'll find that it is quite important to look carefully at diets that claim to help you cut carbs. The problem that many people have with carbohydrates is the fact that they eat too much of them.

Unless there is a problem with your body's ability to cope with it, cutting a whole food group out is a poor idea. Keep in mind that while carb reduced diets can help to a certain extent, that's happening because you are in fact cutting back. That's not a healthy way to lose that extra pounds! So, you know now that carbs can be good or bad for your body. It all depends on how much of them you consume.

Instead, make sure that you point your gaze towards eating carbs in moderation and getting a lot of exercise. Exercise can go a long way towards getting you the right kind of weight loss that you need, particularly when you are eating well, and it will help you get toned up and looking great. This is an important part of getting the body you want. - 17268

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