Crack The Fat Loss Code Ebook

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Burning Belly Fat, You Will Need More Than Ab Machines

By Ricardo d Argence

Have you ever seen an infomercial for an ab machine? They will always have a guy with 6 pack abs, or a woman with a model figure demonstrating the machine. They won't show a full figured person working the machine, because the infomercial is psychologically placing the idea in your head that if you buy the machine and use it, you will look like the people demonstrating the machine. They will always end the infomercial with testimonials from people who have lost weight, and swear by the product.

I don't doubt that these people lost weight using ab machines. Ab machines do burn calories, but I will wager to say the ab machine wasn't the only part of their workout. They probably engaged in other routines like running and cardiovascular exercises. More than likely, they also changed their eating habits.

The ab machine most commonly builds muscle in the abdominal area and burns calories. However, this not to implies that you may consume whatever you wish, in as great amount as you wish, whenever you wish.

It is true that ab exercisers will amass muscle around the midsection, yet a poor diet will lead to fat deposits over the muscle mass! Sumo wrestlers are a good example of this, they have a lot of muscle behind the fat. It is actually a firm exercise diet program that they follow to get the fat over the muscle.

Exercising and positive thinking are portion of the solution to losing abdominal fat. This brings us to the next important element: a healthy diet.

Fat builds up in your system as you are sleeping, and that is why you should never eat anything directly before going to bed. Studies have found that people who eat a big breakfast and a sensible lunch and dinner have trimmer waistlines. This is because after they eat breakfast, they spend the rest of the day burning calories.

Foods that are high calorie are things such as fried foods, soda pop, and desserts. It would be best for you to avoid these. Vegetables are a great substitute for fried foods like potato chips and french fries. This is effective since you take less calories and use more energy.

I'd like to reiterate that there's no fault in utilizing ab equipment and exercising abs, but folks shouldn't get lofty ideas about the results. If you want to trim your waistline, know that though you do need to exercise all major muscles once in a while, Ab machines by themselves wont help you in reducing your waistline. Working off the fat around your waist requires the proper balance of appropriate eating and working out. - 17268

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