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Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Make Sure Your Heart Doesn't Explode

By Rick Steel

Myocardial infarction in simple terms (the kind of terms Rick Steel likes) is known as heart attack which is the governing source of all death cases worldwide. The clogging of the arteries which carry oxygenated blood to the heart leads to the fatality known as heart attack. The abstinence of the heart from blood caused by this clogging leads to the failure of coronary function.

Heredity and genetic condition play a major role in matters of heart - and I'm not just talking about love here *sniff*. You might have an increased risk of heart disease if someone from your family is suffering from this disease; therefore it is crucial that you take precautions beforehand. Choose the right family. Other risk factors include gender with men being more prone to develop heart disease and progressing of age where the body becomes more susceptible to diseases.

The essential principal to focus upon is to gather beforehand information on the signs and symptoms of heart attack so as to nip it in the bud (I hate flowers). Some of the warning signs which are general and universal are:

1. Uncomfortable pressure or squeezing feeling in the center of the chest that lasts for a few seconds, unless you're getting punched there

2. Pain or discomfort in one or both arms, shoulders, back, neck and jaws

3. Breath shortness

4. Sweating

5. Fainting a lot

6. Nausea, lightheadedness, and vomiting

7. Fatigue

The key to a healthy heart and a happy life is to keep an eye on your heart and abserve minor changes and make positive adjustments in your way of living to avert finding yourself on the surgery table. Yes you can qoute me on that. Taking the following steps can aid you in prevention of heart attack.

Controlling blood pressure: commence regulating your blood pressure by avoiding food that is high in cholesterol. Meanwhile it is recommended that you have your blood pressure checked annually. That's once a year, buddy-boy.

Stop smoking: If you value your life and heart then you need to give up the habit, if you smoke, immediately as cardiac and many other health-related problems are caused by active smoking. So it's official: Rick Steel says you should stop smoking. Although quitting consumption of alcohol is never painless (God knows I need it most mornings) it can save you from further degeneration of your organs. Smoking harms the body and interferes with the proper functioning of the organs.

Eat a healthy diet: reduce the amount of fat, sodium and cholesterol in your diet as these are the factors that contribute to heart disease and high blood pressure. Indulge in healthy diets that are rich in fiber. Incorporate raw vegetables, fruits and huge fish as these are loaded with antioxidants which are excellent in supporting and shielding the arteries from abrasion and smoothing out the blood flow.

Exercise habitually: exercising aids in the strengthening of the muscles and improves the oxygen flow. It can control diabetes, high cholesterol, high blood pressure and help in maintaining a healthy body weight. Walking vigorously for half an hour daily can work wonders on your heart. Plus walking vigorously makes you look like a badass.

A heart attack is no simple problem. It can be very traumatic and daunting (unless you're Rick Steel). Diagnosing this disease early can be the key to its prevention. It is never too late to take steps to strengthen your heart and keep it fit and healthy. Many people who have suffered heart attacks lead happy lives. Changing your habits and following the above steps can go a long way to guarantee that your risk of getting a heart attack is reduced to minimum. - 17268

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